- roundup (作为形容词):被围捕的,被集中起来的
- roundup (作为名词):围捕,集中,摘要
- gather-up:聚集,集合
- herd:放牧,赶集,饲养
- drive:赶集,开车
- release:释放
- scatter:散开,分散
- 人们在乡村周围进行了一次大规模的roundup,以捕捉逃跑的犯人。
- 警方进行了一次反恐roundup,逮捕了多名嫌疑人。
- 这本书是这个领域的最新roundup,涵盖了所有重要的发展。
- Police conducted a roundup of suspected drug dealers in the area.
- 警方在该地区对涉嫌贩毒的人进行了围捕。
- The annual cattle roundup took place on the ranch.
- 每年的牛群围捕活动在牧场上进行。
- Here's a roundup of the day's top news stories.
- 这里是当天头条新闻的摘要。
- The police conducted a roundup to catch the escaped prisoners.
- 警方进行了一次围捕,以抓捕逃犯。
- The roundup of protesters by the authorities sparked international outrage.
- 当局对抗议者的围捕引发了国际公愤。
- Let's do a roundup of all the items on our to-do list.
- 让我们对待办事项清单上的所有事项进行一次总结。
- I don't have time to read the whole article, so can you give me a roundup of the main points?
- 我没时间看整篇文章,你能给我一下主要要点的摘要吗?
- The roundup of feral cats in the neighborhood was successful.
- 对附近的野猫进行的围捕行动取得了成功。
- The roundup of illegal immigrants by border patrol agents continued for several days.
- 边境巡逻人员对非法移民的围捕行动持续了数天。
- At the end of the concert, there was a roundup of all the performers for a final bow.
- 音乐会结束时,所有演员都被集合起来进行最后的鞠躬。
- The annual roundup of wild horses is necessary to control the population.
- 每年对野马的围捕是为了控制种群数量。
- After the roundup of suspects, the police conducted thorough interrogations.
- 对嫌疑犯的围捕后,警方进行了彻底的审讯。
- The roundup of stolen goods revealed a larger criminal operation.
- 对赃物的围捕揭示了一个更大的犯罪行动。
- The roundup of volunteers for the event was a great success.
- 志愿者对活动的招募取得了巨大的成功。
- During the roundup of suspects, one individual managed to escape.
- 在对嫌疑人的围捕期间,有一个人设法逃脱了。
- She gave a quick roundup of the day's events before ending the meeting.
- 在结束会议之前,她对当天的事件进行了快速的总结。
- After the roundup of evidence, the investigators began piecing together the crime.
- 在收集证据之后,调查人员开始拼凑罪案。
- A roundup of all the employees was conducted to announce the company's new policy.
- 对所有员工进行了集结,宣布公司的新政策。
- The roundup of stolen artwork led to the recovery of several valuable pieces.
- 对被盗艺术品的围捕导致了几件有价值的作品的追回。
- The police organized a roundup of known gang members in the area.
- 警方组织了对该地区已知帮派成员的围捕。
- After a roundup of suspects, the detectives narrowed down their search for the killer.
- 对嫌疑人的围捕后,侦探们缩小了对杀手的搜索范围。
- The roundup of evidence took longer than anticipated.
- 证据的搜集比预期的时间长。
- The roundup of illegal weapons was part of a larger effort to combat organized crime.
- 对非法武器的围捕是打击有组织犯罪的一部分。