## 中英词典 ### 名词 1. **kitten** [ˈkɪt(ə)n] - 小猫;小猫咪 - (尤指受欢迎的) 年轻女子 ### 动词 1. **kitten** [ˈkɪt(ə)n] - 撒娇;嬉戏 ### 形容词 1. **kittenish** [ˈkɪt(ə)nɪʃ] - 像小猫咪的;顽皮的;活泼的 ## 词语辨析 - **kitten** 和 **cat** 都指的是猫,但 **kitten** 通常用来指小猫,而 **cat** 则指成年猫。 ## 词汇扩充 - **kittenhood** [ˈkɪt(ə)nhʊd] - 小猫时期;小猫儿时 ## 近义词 - **kitty**: 小猫,猫咪 - **catling**: 小猫 ## 反义词 - **adult cat**: 成年猫 ## 柯林斯词典 **kitten** 1. A **kitten** is a very young cat. > I've got a new **kitten**. > > 我有一只新猫咪。 2. If you describe a young woman as a **kitten**, you mean that she is young and playful. > They are just a couple of **kittens** in love. > > 他们只是一对相爱的年轻情侣。 3. If someone **kittens**, they behave in an affectionate and playful way. > She **kittened** and whinnied like a horse. > > 她像马一样撒娇和咕哝。 ## 牛津词典 **kitten** 1. A young cat. > He's been given a **kitten** for his birthday. > > 他生日时得到了一只小猫。 2. (informal) A young woman. > She's a lively little **kitten**. > > 她是个活泼的小姑娘。 ## 用法 - **kitten** 可以用作名词形容小猫,也可以用作动词形容撒娇、嬉戏的动作。此外,**kitten** 还可以用作形容词表示像小猫咪的、顽皮的、活泼的。 --- ## 例句 1. She adopted a cute **kitten** from the animal shelter. > 她从动物收容所领养了一只可爱的小猫咪。 2. The little girl loves to play with her pet **kitten**. > 小女孩喜欢和她的小猫咪一起玩耍。 3. The actress was as playful as a **kitten** on stage. > 女演员在舞台上活泼如小猫咪。 4. She's a real **kitten**, always full of energy and mischief. > 她真是个顽皮的小猫咪,总是精力充沛又调皮捣蛋。 5. The cat gave birth to a litter of three **kittens**. > 这只猫生下了三只小猫咪。 6. The children were delighted to find a stray **kitten** in their backyard. > 孩子们高兴地发现了后院里的一只走失的小猫咪。 7. The **kitten** mewed softly, looking for its mother. > 小猫咪轻声叫唤,寻找着它的妈妈。 8. She took a picture of her adorable **kitten** and posted it on social media. > 她给她可爱的小猫拍了照片,并在社交媒体上发布了。 9. The little **kitten** was curious and explored every corner of the room. > 小猫咪很好奇,探索着房间的每个角落。 10. The **kitten** pounced on the toy mouse and playfully batted it around. > 小猫咪扑向玩具老鼠,调皮地把它拍打着。 11. The **kitten** curled up in her lap and purred contentedly. > 小猫咪蜷缩在她的腿上,满足地发出呼噜声。 12. The mischievous **kitten** knocked over a vase and broke it. > 这只淘气的小猫咪打翻了一个花瓶并摔碎了它。 13. The girl named her **kitten** Fluffy because of its soft fur. > 女孩因为小猫咪的柔软毛发而给它取名为“毛茸茸”。 14. The **kitten** purred as she gently stroked its back. > 她轻轻抚摸小猫咪的背部,小猫咪发出了呼噜声。 15. The **kitten** playfully chased its tail in circles. > 小猫咪调皮地追着自己的尾巴转圈圈。 16. The **kitten** climbed up the tree but got stuck on a branch. > 小猫咪爬上了树,但卡在了一根树枝上。 17. The **kitten** blinked its big round eyes at the toy mouse. > 小猫咪用它的大圆眼睛对着玩具老鼠眨了眨眼。 18. The children giggled as the **kitten** chased a ball of yarn. > 孩子们看着小猫咪追着一团毛线球笑个不停。 19. The **kitten** pounced on the moving shoelace, thinking it was a prey. > 小猫咪扑向移动的鞋带,以为那是一只猎物。 20. The **kitten** curled up in a cozy basket and fell asleep. > 小猫咪蜷缩在一个舒适的篮子里,入睡了。