concessionary [kənˈsɛʃənəri]:让步的,让与的名词
1. concession [kənˈsɛʃən]:让步,妥协,让与 2. concession [kənˈsɛʃən]:特许权,特许经营权 3. concession [kənˈsɛʃən]:(公园、剧院等)经营权词语辨析
concession、compromise、surrender:这些名词都指为解决争议或达成共识而做出的让步或妥协。 - concession:指为了达到某种目的,通常是为了解决争议或缓和敌对关系而做出的让步。 - compromise:指为了达到折中或和解而做出的妥协。 - surrender:指在面对强大的压力或无法抵抗的情况下被迫做出的投降。词汇扩充
1. make a concession:做出让步 2. grant a concession:给予特许权 3. concession stand:小吃摊 4. concessionaire:特许经营者 5. concession fee:特许经营费用近义词
compromise, accommodation, adjustment反义词
resistance, refusal, denial《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)解释
concession [kənˈsɛʃən] 1. If you make a concession to someone, you agree to let them do or have something, especially in order to end an argument or conflict. 2. A concession is a special right or privilege that is given to someone. 3. In business, a concession is a special right to sell a product or to run a business, often in a particular place.《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)解释
concession [kənˈsɛʃ(ə)n] 1. A thing that is granted, especially in response to demands. 2. The action of conceding or granting someone. 3. The right to sell a product or to run a business in a particular area or place.用法
- We made a concession to the opposing party in order to reach a compromise. - The government granted a concession to the company for mining rights. - The concessionary terms allowed us to open a new store in the shopping mall.相关例句
- We had to make a concession in order to secure the contract.
- After much negotiation, both parties reached a concession on the terms of the agreement.
- The government granted several concessions to the protesting workers.
- He reluctantly made a concession to his opponent's demands.
- The company was given a concession to operate the amusement park.
- They bought some snacks from the concession stand at the movie theater.
- The concessionaire managed all the food and beverage outlets in the stadium.
- The company had to pay a hefty concession fee to operate the casino.
- The two sides finally reached a compromise after making several concessions.
- He refused to make any concession and stood firm on his decision.
- The union demanded that the workers be given more concessions in their employment contracts.
- Despite pressure from the shareholders, the CEO refused to surrender any concessions.
- The government faced strong resistance when they tried to introduce concessions to the tax system.
- She was determined to fight for her rights and did not accept any refusal or denial of concessions.
- The company was unwilling to make any adjustments or accommodations to their original proposal.
- After much discussion, they reached an accommodation that satisfied both parties.
- The concessionary terms offered to the franchisee were quite favorable.
- They managed to secure the concession to sell their products in the newly opened shopping mall.
- She was granted a concession to operate a food truck in the city center.
- The government decided to revoke the concession due to the company's failure to meet the agreed-upon terms.