# suck ## 形容词 ### 1. suck - 吸入的;吸食的 ### 2. sucky - 糟糕的;糟透的 ## 名词 ### 1. suck - 吸;吮吸 ### 2. [常用语] suck it up - 忍耐;忍受 ## 词语辨析 - suck和sucky都可以表示糟糕的意思,但sucky更加强调糟透了的程度。 ## 词汇扩充 - suckling:吮吸者 - suckle:哺乳 ## 近义词 - draw:吸入 - slurp:啧啧地吸 ## 反义词 - blow:吹 ## 柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary) - suck:If you suck something, you hold it in your mouth and pull at it with the muscles in your cheeks and tongue, for example in order to get liquid out of it.(如果你吸某物,你会将它放在嘴里,用脸颊和舌头的肌肉拉扯,例如为了把液体吸出来。) ## 牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary) - suck:Draw into the mouth by contracting the muscles of the lips and mouth to make a partial vacuum.(通过收缩嘴唇和嘴巴的肌肉制造部分真空,将某物吸入口中。) ## 用法 1. He sucked the juice through a straw.(他用吸管吸了果汁。) 2. Babies suck their thumbs.(婴儿会吮吸拇指。) 3. She sucks on a lollipop.(她在吸着棒棒糖。) 4. This vacuum cleaner really sucks up the dirt.(这台吸尘器真的能吸走脏东西。) 5. Don't suck your pencil, it's not clean.(别吮吸你的铅笔,它不干净。) 6. He sucked in his cheeks.(他吸了吸腮帮子。) 7. The baby sucks at the bottle.(婴儿在奶瓶上吮吸。) 8. The vampire sucked the blood from his victim.(吸血鬼吸食了他的受害者的血。) 9. She sucks on a pacifier to calm herself down.(她吮吸奶嘴以使自己平静下来。) 10. He can suck the venom out of a snakebite.(他能吮吸出蛇咬伤的毒液。) ## 例句 1. The baby sucked on the bottle until it was empty.(婴儿吮吸着奶瓶,直到里面的液体被吸光。) 2. The vacuum cleaner sucks up all the dirt from the carpet.(吸尘器把地毯上的所有灰尘都吸走了。) 3. She sucked in her breath when she saw the spider.(当她看到蜘蛛时,她吸了口气。) 4. The vampire sucked the blood from his victim's neck.(吸血鬼吮吸了他受害者的脖子上的血。) 5. The baby sucks his thumb when he is tired.(婴儿累了时会吮吸拇指。) 6. The mosquito sucked my blood and left a red mark on my arm.(蚊子吸了我的血,在我手臂上留下了一个红印。) 7. The engine sucks in air to mix with the fuel.(发动机吸入空气与燃料混合。) 8. The straw allows you to suck up the milkshake easily.(吸管可以让你轻松地吸食奶昔。) 9. The baby sucks on the pacifier to soothe herself to sleep.(婴儿吮吸奶嘴以使自己安静入睡。) 10. He sucked on a sour candy and made a face.(他吮吸了一颗酸味糖果,做了个鬼脸。) 11. The pump sucks water out of the well.(泵把水从井里吸出来。) 12. She sucked on a mint to freshen her breath.(她吃了一颗薄荷糖以提神。) 13. Don't suck your pen, it's not hygienic.(别吮吸你的钢笔,不卫生。) 14. He sucked up to the boss in order to get a promotion.(他拍老板马屁以得到晋升。) 15. The straw made it easy for her to suck up the juice.(吸管让她轻松地吸食果汁。) 16. The vampire sucked the life out of his victims.(吸血鬼吸食了他的受害者们的生命。) 17. My vacuum cleaner doesn't suck up dirt very well.(我的吸尘器吸取灰尘的效果不太好。) 18. The baby sucked on his mother's breast for nourishment.(婴儿吮吸他母亲的乳房以获得营养。) 19. The straw allows you to suck out the last drop of juice.(吸管可以让你吸出最后一滴果汁。) 20. He sucked on a lollipop while waiting for the bus.(他在等公交车时吮吸着棒棒糖。)