1. 形容词和名词的不同含义
[形容词]- 1. 有争议的;有问题的
- 2. 发行的;供应的
- 1. 问题;争议
- 2. 发行;发布
- 3. (杂志的)期号
2. 词语辨析
issues与problems的区别在于,issues通常指的是具有争议性、需要解决的问题,而problems指的是一般性问题。3. 词汇扩充
- 1. controversial - 有争议的
- 2. distribute - 分发
- 3. release - 发布
- 4. editions - 版本
- 5. concerns - 关注点
4. 近义词
- 1. problems
- 2. difficulties
- 3. challenges
5. 反义词
- 1. resolutions
- 2. solutions
6. 柯林斯词典对issues的定义
issues (noun)
1. A particular issue is a particular subject or topic that people are discussing or arguing about.
2. Issues are important topics or problems that are often the subject of debate or discussion.
3. The issues involved in a situation are the most important aspects of it.
4. If someone has issues with another person or with a particular thing, they have a problem with them.
5. An issue of something such as a magazine or newspaper is the version of it that is published at a particular time.
issues (verb)
1. If you issue a statement, instruction, or warning, you make it known formally or publicly.
2. If you issue something such as equipment or clothing to someone, you give it to them.
7. 牛津词典对issues的定义
issues (noun)
1. An important topic or problem for debate or discussion.
2. A situation, especially an unpleasant one.
3. A personal problem or difficulty.
4. The action of supplying or distributing an item for use, sale, or official purposes.
5. The action of supplying or distributing an item for use, sale, or official purposes.
issues (verb)
1. Supply or distribute (something) for use or sale.
2. Circulate or distribute (a newsletter, magazine, etc.).
3. Produce and distribute (a stamp, coin, etc.) for sale to the public.
8. 用法
1. I have some issues with the new proposal. (我对这个新提议有些问题。)
2. The company is facing financial issues. (公司正面临财务问题。)
3. Let's discuss the issues at hand. (让我们讨论眼前的问题。)
4. She has issues with her boss. (她与她的老板有问题。)
5. The latest issue of the magazine is now available. (最新一期的杂志现在可供阅读。)
9. 相关的例句
- The government needs to address the issues of poverty and healthcare. (政府需要解决贫困和医疗保健的问题。)
- There are several issues that need to be discussed in the meeting. (有几个问题需要在会议上讨论。)
- He has some personal issues that he needs to deal with. (他有一些个人问题需要处理。)
- The issue of climate change has become a global concern. (气候变化问题已成为全球关注的焦点。)
- She raised an issue with her supervisor regarding her workload. (她向主管提出了关于工作负荷的问题。)
- The latest issue of the newspaper contains an exclusive interview with the president. (最新一期报纸包含了一篇与总统的独家采访。)
- They need to resolve their personal issues before they can work together effectively. (他们需要解决个人问题,才能有效地合作。)
- The company is facing financial issues due to the economic downturn. (由于经济下滑,公司正面临财务问题。)
- The issue of gun control has been a topic of heated debate. (枪支管制问题一直是一个引发激烈争论的话题。)
- The government has issued a statement condemning the recent terrorist attacks. (政府发布了一份谴责最近恐怖袭击的声明。)
- She issued uniforms to all the employees. (她向所有员工发放制服。)
- The school issues a monthly newsletter to parents. (学校每月向家长发布一份通讯。)
- The postal service issued a commemorative stamp for the anniversary. (邮政部门为纪念日发行了一枚纪念邮票。)
- We need to address the pressing issues facing our community. (我们需要解决我们社区面临的紧迫问题。)
- The team is discussing the logistical issues related to the upcoming event. (团队正在讨论与即将到来的活动相关的后勤问题。)
- He has some personal issues that he prefers to keep private. (他有一些个人问题,他更愿意保密。)
- The latest issue of the fashion magazine features the latest trends. (最新一期的时尚杂志介绍了最新潮流。)
- The committee is responsible for addressing the issues raised by the employees. (委员会负责处理员工提出的问题。)
- The company has experienced some issues with their supply chain. (公司在供应链方面遇到了一些问题。)
- The issue of gender equality is one that needs to be tackled globally. (性别平等问题是一个需要全球解决的问题。)