cruel [ˈkruːəl]
- 残酷的;残忍的。
- 严酷的;严厉的。
- 令人痛苦的;使人难过的。
- 艰难的;困难的。
cruelty [ˈkruːəlti]
- 残酷;残忍。
- 虐待;虐待行为。
- 残酷的行为。
1. cruel和brutal都可表示“残酷的”,但brutal更强调暴力和野蛮。
2. cruel和unfeeling都可表示“无情的”,但unfeeling更强调冷漠和缺乏同情心。
1. cruelly [ˈkruːəli] (adv.) 残忍地;残酷地。
2. cruelness [ˈkruːəlnəs] (n.) 残酷;残忍。
3. cruellest [ˈkruːəlɪst] (adj.) 残酷的;最残忍的。
heartless [ˈhɑːrtlɪs], inhuman [ˌɪnˈhjuːmən], brutal [ˈbruːtl], savage [ˈsævɪdʒ]
kind [kaɪnd], compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənət], merciful [ˈmɜːrsɪfl], gentle [ˈdʒentl]
cruel [ˈkruːəl]
- If you say that someone is cruel, you mean they take pleasure in causing pain to other people or animals, or they treat them extremely badly.
- If you say that something is cruel, you mean that it causes people pain or suffering.
- If you describe someone as cruel, you mean that they ignore people's feelings and cause suffering without showing any concern.
cruel [ˈkruːəl]
- Willing to cause pain or suffering.
- Causing pain or suffering.
- Unkind or harsh.
cruelty [ˈkruːəlti]
- Callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering.
- Behaviour that causes pain or suffering to others.
- He is known for his cruel treatment of his employees.(他以对员工的残酷对待而闻名。)
- The prisoners were subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment.(囚犯们遭受了残忍和不人道的对待。)
- The cruel winter weather made life difficult for the homeless.(严寒的冬季天气让无家可归者的生活变得困难。)
- She couldn't believe that her best friend could be so cruel.(她无法相信她最好的朋友会如此残忍。)
- The cruelty of the dictator's regime was widely condemned.(独裁者的政权的残酷性质受到了广泛谴责。)
- Animal cruelty is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.(动物虐待是一个需要解决的严重问题。)
- He showed no remorse for his cruel actions.(他对自己的残忍行为没有任何懊悔之情。)
- The cruel remarks left her feeling deeply hurt.(那些残酷的话语让她感到深受伤害。)
- She had a reputation for her cruel wit.(她因机智而尖刻而有名。)
- His cruel treatment of animals was brought to light.(他虐待动物的行为被揭示出来。)
- Despite their cruel upbringing, they managed to overcome their past and find happiness.(尽管受到残酷的抚养,他们设法克服了过去,并找到了幸福。)
- It was cruel of him to make fun of her in front of everyone.(他当着所有人的面取笑她,真是太残忍了。)
- She couldn't understand how someone could derive pleasure from cruelty.(她无法理解有人如何能从残忍中获得快乐。)
- The cruelty of war is well-documented throughout history.(战争的残酷性在历史上有充分的记载。)
- He was charged with cruelty to animals.(他被控虐待动物。)
- Her cruelty towards her subordinates eventually led to her downfall.(她对下属的残忍最终导致了她的垮台。)
- They were shocked by the cruelty they witnessed.(他们对自己目睹的残忍行为感到震惊。)
- He was known for his cruelty on the battlefield.(他因战场上的残忍而闻名。)
- The cruel reality of the situation soon became apparent.(情况的残酷现实很快显现出来。)
- She endured years of cruel treatment from her abusive husband.(她忍受了多年来丈夫虐待的残酷对待。)
- His cruel words cut deep into her heart.(他的残酷话语深深伤害了她的心。)