1. 名词
英语(English): 1. (Internet slang) A person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages. 2. (Scandinavian folklore) A supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore, often depicted as a creature who lives in caves or mountains. 3. (Fishing) A type of lure that is pulled through the water to attract fish. 4. (Slang) A person who deliberately annoys or provokes others, often for their own amusement. 中文(Chinese): 1. (网络俚语)一种在互联网上发布具有煽动性或离题言论以引发争论或激怒他人的人。 2. (斯堪的纳维亚民间传说)北欧神话和斯堪的纳维亚民间传说中的超自然存在,通常被描绘为居住在洞穴或山中的生物。 3. (钓鱼)一种通过水中拉动以吸引鱼类的诱饵。 4. (俚语)故意惹恼或挑衅他人,通常是为了自己的娱乐。2. 形容词
英语(English): 1. (Internet slang) Pertaining to or characteristic of an Internet troll. 2. (Slang) Pertaining to or characteristic of a person who deliberately annoys or provokes others. 中文(Chinese): 1. (网络俚语)与网络喷子有关或具有网络喷子特点的。 2. (俚语)与故意惹恼或挑衅他人的人有关或具有此类人的特点的。3. 词语辨析
英语(English): 1. Troll vs. Cyberbully: While trolls aim to provoke and upset people for their own amusement, cyberbullies specifically target individuals with the intention of harassing or intimidating them. 2. Troll vs. Griefer: Trolls disrupt online communities by causing arguments and conflicts, whereas griefers disrupt online gaming experiences by intentionally irritating and frustrating other players. 中文(Chinese): 1. 喷子 vs. 网络霸凌者:喷子的目的是为了自己的娱乐而挑衅和激怒他人,而网络霸凌者则专门以骚扰或恐吓个人为目标。 2. 喷子 vs. 捣蛋鬼:喷子通过引发争论和冲突来破坏在线社区,而捣蛋鬼则通过故意激怒其他玩家来破坏在线游戏体验。4. 词汇扩充
英语(English): 1. Trollish: (adjective) Pertaining to or characteristic of a troll. 2. Trollishly: (adverb) In a trollish manner. 3. Trolling: (noun) The act of posting inflammatory or off-topic messages online. 4. Troller: (noun) A person who trolls or engages in trolling behavior. 中文(Chinese): 1. 喷子的(形容词):与喷子有关或具有喷子特点的。 2. 喷子般地(副词):以喷子的方式。 3. 喷子行为(名词):发布具有煽动性或离题言论的行为。 4. 喷子(名词):进行喷子行为的人。5. 近义词
英语(English): 1. Flamebait: (noun) Content designed to provoke and elicit angry or inflammatory responses from readers or viewers. 2. Provocateur: (noun) A person who deliberately provokes or incites others, often for political or social purposes. 3. Instigator: (noun) A person who intentionally initiates or encourages others to engage in conflict or disruptive behavior. 中文(Chinese): 1. 煽动性言论(名词):旨在引起读者或观众愤怒或激动反应的内容。 2. 挑衅者(名词):故意挑衅或煽动他人的人,通常是出于政治或社会目的。 3. 煽动者(名词):有意诱导或鼓励他人参与冲突或破坏性行为的人。6. 反义词
英语(English): 1. Peacemaker: (noun) A person who works to reconcile or bring peace in a situation or between individuals. 2. Diplomat: (noun) An official or representative appointed to represent a country or organization in negotiations or diplomatic relations. 中文(Chinese): 1. 和平使者(名词):致力于调解或在某种情况或个体之间达成和平的人。 2. 外交官(名词):被任命代表国家或组织进行谈判或外交关系的官员或代表。柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
英语(English): 1. Noun: (Internet slang) A person who posts inflammatory or off-topic messages on the Internet to provoke others. 2. Noun: (Scandinavian folklore) A supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore, often depicted as a creature who lives in caves or mountains. 中文(Chinese): 1. 名词:(网络俚语)一种在互联网上发布具有煽动性或离题言论以引发争论或激怒他人的人。 2. 名词:(斯堪的纳维亚民间传说)北欧神话和斯堪的纳维亚民间传说中的超自然存在,通常被描绘为居住在洞穴或山中的生物。牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
英语(English): 1. Noun: (Internet slang) A person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post. 2. Noun: (Scandinavian folklore) A supernatural creature of various (sometimes very large) sizes, in Scandinavian folklore, that dwells in caves, mountains, or under bridges. 中文(Chinese): 1. 名词:(网络俚语)故意发布冒犯或挑衅性的在线帖子的人。 2. 名词:(斯堪的纳维亚民间传说)斯堪的纳维亚民间传说中的超自然生物,大小各异(有时非常大),居住在洞穴、山中或桥下。用法示例
- He was accused of being a troll for his offensive comments on the forum.(他因在论坛上发表冒犯言论而被指责为喷子。)
- The troll under the bridge demanded a toll from anyone passing by.(桥下的妖怪要求过往行人付过路费。)
- She couldn't resist responding to the troll and got caught up in an unnecessary argument.(她忍不住回应那个喷子,卷入了一场不必要的争论中。)
- He enjoys being a troll and deliberately provoking others online.(他喜欢当喷子,故意在网上挑衅他人。)
- They used a troll to attract fish while fishing in the lake.(他们在湖中钓鱼时使用了一个诱饵。)
- Don't pay attention to the troll and they'll eventually stop bothering you.(不要理会那个喷子,他们最终会停止纠缠你的。)
- She was accused of being a flamebait for her provocative article.(她因为她具有挑衅性的文章而被指责为煽动性言论。)
- The politician was known for being a provocateur who often stirred up controversy.(这位政治家以故意制造争议而闻名,常常引起争议。)
- The instigator of the fight was quickly identified and punished.(斗殴的煽动者很快被识别出来并受到惩罚。)
- She acted as a peacemaker and successfully resolved the conflict between the two parties.(她充当了和平使者,成功解决了双方之间的冲突。)