1. 首选的;更喜欢的
- preferable - 更可取的
- favorable - 有利的
- desirable - 值得拥有的
近义词:favorite, chosen
反义词:undesirable, unpopular
preferred (adj): if you describe something as preferred, you mean that it is chosen or wanted more than anything else of the same kind.
preferred (adj): more desirable or suitable.
1. (复数)首选项;优先权
- preference - 偏爱;优先选择
- priority - 优先权
preferred (n): something that is preferred to other things of the same kind, or is liked more than other things of the same kind.
preferred (n): the person or thing that is chosen or wanted more than anyone or anything else.
1. "preferred"作为形容词时,常用于表示某物比其他物品更受欢迎或更好。例如:
- I have my preferred brand of coffee.
- She always chooses the preferred option.
2. "preferred"作为名词时,指的是被优先选择或被更喜欢的事物或权利。例如:
- The customer's preferences are always given preferred status.
- He was offered the job based on his preferred qualifications.
- He has a preferred list of customers who receive special discounts. (他有一个优先客户名单,享受特别折扣。)
- What is your preferred method of payment? (你的首选付款方式是什么?)
- I always choose the preferred seating on flights. (我总是选择航班上的优先座位。)
- She was offered her preferred choice of university. (她被提供了她首选的大学选择。)
- The preferred route to the city center is by train. (到市中心的首选路线是乘火车。)
- He is the preferred candidate for the job. (他是这份工作的首选候选人。)
- Her preferred style of music is classical. (她更喜欢的音乐风格是古典音乐。)
- The company offers preferred stock to its long-term investors. (该公司向长期投资者提供优先股。)
- He always gets preferred treatment at the restaurant. (他在餐厅总是得到优先待遇。)
- My preferred mode of transportation is cycling. (我首选的交通方式是骑自行车。)
- She has a list of preferred suppliers for her business. (她有一份商业供应商的首选名单。)
- He is the preferred choice for the position of team captain. (他是担任队长职位的首选人。)
- They offer a preferred customer program with exclusive benefits. (他们提供了一个享有独家优惠的优选客户计划。)
- Her preferred color for the bedroom is light blue. (她卧室的首选颜色是浅蓝色。)
- The company's preferred supplier failed to deliver the order on time. (公司的首选供应商未能按时交付订单。)
- He received preferred treatment due to his VIP status. (由于他的VIP身份,他得到了优先待遇。)
- The team's preferred strategy is to play defensively. (团队的首选策略是防守为主。)
- She was offered her preferred schedule for the project. (她获得了她首选的项目进度安排。)
- The preferred pronoun for non-binary individuals is "they/them". (非二元个体的首选代词是"they/them"。)
- He always books the preferred hotel chain for his business trips. (他总是预订他商务旅行的首选酒店连锁店。)
- The preferred method for cooking this dish is to bake it. (烹饪这道菜的首选方法是烤。)