poach (verb)
1. If someone poaches fish, animals, or birds, they illegally catch them on someone else's property.
2. If someone poaches an employee, they persuade them to leave their job and go to work for a different company.
3. If someone poaches an idea, they take it and use it for themselves, when it should really belong to someone else.
4. If you poach an egg, you cook it without its shell in simmering water.
5. If you poach food, you cook it gently in a small amount of liquid.
6. If you poach a piece of land, you take it and use it when it does not belong to you.
7. If a government poaches someone from another country, they persuade that person to come and work for them.
None poach (noun)
poach (verb)
1. Cook (an egg), without its shell, in or over boiling water.
2. Cook (fruit, especially a pear) gently in a liquid.
3. (of an animal) be illegally caught or hunted.
4. (of an employee) leave an organization to join a competitor.
5. take or acquire in an unfair or clandestine way.
6. hunt illegally.
7. (of a government or other organization) take over or appropriate (someone else's territory or business) illegally; encroach on.
8. (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (someone) without their consent, especially by means of false promises or by exploiting their position of authority.
None poach (noun)
poach和boil都可以表示“煮”。但是poach通常指用水煮熟蛋,而且是不带壳的。例如:I'm going to poach some eggs for breakfast.(我要煮些水煮蛋作早餐。)而boil可以表示煮沸、煮熟等含义。例如:You need to boil the potatoes for 15 minutes.(你需要把土豆煮15分钟。)此外,poach还可指非法猎杀、非法钓鱼等含义。
1. poaching(名词): noncount: the illegal hunting, capturing, or killing of wild animals
2. poacher(名词): count: a person who hunts or catches animals illegally
3. poachable(形容词): suitable for poaching
4. poached(形容词): cooked gently in liquid
5. poacher-turned-gamekeeper(名词短语): a person who has changed from being a poacher to working as a gamekeeper, often used metaphorically
1. hunt: to chase and kill wild animals for food or pleasure
2. capture: to catch a person, animal, or object that is difficult to catch
3. ensnare: to catch or trap someone or something
4. appropriate: to take something for your own use, especially without permission
5. abduct: to take someone away illegally, especially using force
1. protect: to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness
2. preserve: to keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged or destroyed
3. conserve: to keep and protect something from damage, change, or waste
4. safeguard: to protect something from being harmed, damaged, or lost
5. defend: to protect someone or something against attack or criticism
1. poach + noun: poach an egg, poach a pear
2. poach + object + from + organization: poach an employee from a competitor
3. poach + idea: poach an idea from someone else
4. poach + animal/fish/bird: poach elephants for their ivory
5. poach + land/territory: poach land from a neighboring country
6. poach + person: poach a talented person
- They were caught poaching fish in the river.他们被发现在河里偷捕鱼。
- The company poached our most talented engineer.该公司挖走了我们最有才华的工程师。
- She was accused of poaching designs from other fashion designers.她被指控窃取了其他时装设计师的设计。
- I'm going to poach some eggs for breakfast.我要煮些水煮蛋作早餐。
- He gently poached the pears in red wine.他用红酒轻轻地煮梨。
- They were caught poaching on private hunting grounds.他们被发现在私人狩猎场偷猎。
- The rival company poached their top salesperson.对手公司挖走了他们的顶级销售员。
- The company poached a number of talented engineers from other firms.该公司从其他公司挖走了一些有才华的工程师。
- He poached the recipe for the famous dish.他窃取了这道著名菜品的食谱。
- She was arrested for poaching elephants in the nature reserve.她因在自然保护区偷猎大象而被捕。
- The government poached a renowned professor from a prestigious university.政府挖走了一位著名的教授,他原本在一所知名大学任教。
- The company illegally poached a client from a competitor.该公司非法挖走了一位竞争对手的客户。
- He was accused of poaching land from the neighboring country.他被指控侵占了邻国的土地。
- The team poached a talented player from a rival club.这个队从对手俱乐部挖来了一名有才华的球员。
- She managed to poach a brilliant scientist for her research team.她成功挖到了一位杰出的科学家加入她的研究团队。
- The organization poached several experienced teachers for their new program.该组织从其他地方挖来了几位经验丰富的教师加入他们的新项目。
- He was accused of poaching ideas from his colleagues.他被指责窃取同事们的想法。
- The chef poached the fish in a flavorful broth.厨师用美味的高汤煮鱼。
- The eggs are poached to perfection.这些水煮蛋煮得恰到好处。
- She carefully poached the pears in sugar syrup.她小心地在糖水中煮梨。
- The organization is known for poaching top talent from its competitors.这个组织以从竞争对手那里挖走顶级人才而闻名。