1. 闪耀地;明亮地
2. 极聪明地;才华横溢地
3. 精彩地;出色地
1. 杰出的人;天才
2. (钻石等)宝石
1. outstandingly:杰出地,非常出色地
2. excellently:优秀地,出色地
3. superbly:极好地,卓越地
1. brilliantly:闪耀地,明亮地
2. brilliantly:极聪明地,才华横溢地
3. brilliantly:精彩地,出色地
1. outstandingly
2. excellently
3. superbly
1. poorly
2. badly
3. ineffectively
brilliantly (adv.)
- If you do something brilliantly, you do it very well indeed. (如果你做某事表现出色,那么你做得非常好。)
- Something that is done brilliantly is done in an extremely clever and skilful way. (出色完成的事情是以非常聪明和熟练的方式完成的。)
- Something that is brilliantly coloured or lit is extremely bright. (色彩鲜艳或明亮的东西非常亮。)
brilliantly (adv.)
- In a very bright and impressive way. (以非常明亮和令人印象深刻的方式。)
- In a very clever and skilful way. (以非常聪明和熟练的方式。)
1. He performed brilliantly in the exam. (他在考试中表现出色。)
2. The fireworks lit up the night sky brilliantly. (烟花在夜空中闪耀。)
3. The brilliant scientist won the Nobel Prize. (这位杰出的科学家获得了诺贝尔奖。)
4. The diamond sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight. (钻石在阳光下闪耀。)
5. She played the piano brilliantly. (她钢琴演奏得非常出色。)
- He spoke brilliantly at the conference. (他在会议上演讲得非常出色。)
- The dancer moved brilliantly across the stage. (舞者在舞台上优雅地移动。)
- Her novel was brilliantly written and captivated readers. (她的小说写得很出色,吸引了读者。)
- The fireworks display was brilliantly colorful. (烟花表演色彩斑斓。)
- She played the violin brilliantly, eliciting applause from the audience. (她演奏小提琴非常出色,引起了观众的掌声。)
- The brilliant scientist made groundbreaking discoveries. (这位杰出的科学家做出了开创性的发现。)
- He solved the complex mathematical problem brilliantly. (他出色地解决了这个复杂的数学问题。)
- The singer's voice soared brilliantly in the opera. (歌手在歌剧中高亢激昂地演唱。)
- Her brilliant performance earned her a standing ovation. (她出色的表演赢得了全场起立鼓掌。)
- The garden was filled with brilliantly colored flowers. (花园里开满了色彩鲜艳的花朵。)
- The artist's painting was brilliantly executed. (艺术家的画作执行得非常出色。)
- He brilliantly demonstrated his knowledge of the subject. (他出色地展示了他对这个主题的知识。)
- The novel's plot was brilliantly crafted. (这部小说的情节设计得很出色。)
- She delivered her speech brilliantly, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. (她出色地发表了演讲,给观众留下了深刻印象。)
- The brilliant gem sparkled on her finger. (宝石在她的手指上闪耀。)
- The brilliant student was awarded a scholarship. (这位聪明的学生获得了奖学金。)
- The film was shot brilliantly, with stunning visuals. (这部电影拍摄得非常出色,视觉效果令人惊叹。)
- Her brilliant career in finance earned her great respect. (她在金融界的辉煌事业赢得了巨大的尊重。)
- The pianist played the concerto brilliantly, receiving a standing ovation. (钢琴家出色地演奏了协奏曲,获得了全场起立鼓掌。)
- The team executed their game plan brilliantly and won the match. (这支队伍出色地执行了他们的比赛计划,并赢得了比赛。)
- The fireworks exploded brilliantly in the night sky. (烟花在夜空中绚烂地爆炸。)