1. returns (形容词): 返回的,归还的。
2. returns (形容词): 适宜的,有益的。
1. returns (名词): 回报,收益。
2. returns (名词): 归还,退还。
3. returns (名词): 报告表格,统计数据。
返回 (return) - 表示回到原来的位置或状态。
退还 (refund) - 指返还钱款或物品。
回报 (profit) - 指从投资或努力中获得的盈利。
1. investment returns: 投资回报
2. tax returns: 税务申报表
1. gains: 收益
2. proceeds: 收益
3. profit: 利润
losses: 损失
Returns (名词): 1. 回报;2. 归还;3. (商品)退还;4. (尤指某地的)回程车;5. (尤指为了检查或修理而)退回的东西;6. (农场等的)进款;7. 收益(或收入);8. (文学、电影等的)翻拍;9. (董事会等的)选举结果;10. (指书面材料等的)归还。
Returns (名词): 1. The action of returning something; 2. The profit made on an investment; 3. The electors or the result of an election; 4. A report of income, especially for taxation.
1. He was pleased with the returns on his investment. (名词)
2. Please complete the form and send it returns. (名词)
3. The returns policy allows customers to get a refund. (名词)
4. The library has extended the due date for book returns. (名词)
5. The company saw returns of over 20% last year. (名词)
6. She returns the book to the shelf after reading. (动词)
- 1. The returns on this investment have been remarkable. (这项投资的回报率非常可观。)
- 2. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our products. If you are not satisfied, you can return them for a full refund. (我们所有产品都提供30天退款保证。如果您不满意,可以全额退款。)
- 3. The returns from the sale of our new product exceeded our expectations. (我们新产品的销售收益超出了我们的预期。)
- 4. Please ensure that the merchandise is in its original condition when you return it. (请确保商品在您退还时保持原始状态。)
- 5. The company is expecting high returns on its latest investment in technology. (公司预计在最新的技术投资中获得很高的回报。)
- 6. The customer returns the defective product and receives a replacement. (顾客退还有问题的产品并获得替换品。)
- 7. The returns on this property have been steadily increasing over the past few years. (这个房产的回报率在过去几年里持续增长。)
- 8. The company's annual returns showed a significant improvement compared to the previous year. (与去年相比,公司的年度回报显示出显著的改善。)
- 9. The returns from the stock market have been volatile recently. (股市的回报最近一直很不稳定。)
- 10. The investor was disappointed with the low returns on his portfolio. (投资者对他的投资组合的低回报感到失望。)
- 11. The returns on this business venture are uncertain at this stage. (此商业冒险的回报在目前阶段还不确定。)
- 12. The returns from the rental property have been a steady source of income. (出租房产的回报一直是稳定的收入来源。)
- 13. The company is analyzing the returns on its advertising campaigns to determine their effectiveness. (公司正在分析广告活动的回报,以确定其有效性。)
- 14. The returns on this investment are subject to market fluctuations. (这项投资的回报受市场波动的影响。)
- 15. The returns from the sale of the company's products have been declining. (公司产品销售的回报一直在下降。)
- 16. The customer received a full return on the defective product. (顾客获得了有问题产品的全额退款。)
- 17. The store offers a 14-day return policy for all purchases. (该商店对所有购买都提供14天退货政策。)
- 18. The returns from the company's overseas operations have been encouraging. (公司海外业务的回报令人鼓舞。)
- 19. The customer decided to return the product due to a manufacturing defect. (由于制造缺陷,顾客决定退还产品。)
- 20. The returns on this investment are dependent on market conditions. (这项投资的回报取决于市场情况。)