scramble [形容词]:混乱的,杂乱的
scramble [名词]:争夺,争抢
scramble 和其他类似的词语相比较有以下区别:
1. scramble vs. dash:scramble指的是争夺或争抢的行为,而dash强调迅速移动或冲刺。
2. scramble vs. jumble:scramble强调杂乱无序的状态,而jumble表示混乱的混杂。
3. scramble vs. clamor:scramble指的是为了争夺某物而争抢,而clamor指的是为了表达观点或要求而喧嚣。
1. scramble for power:争夺权力
2. scramble for resources:争夺资源
3. scramble eggs:炒蛋
4. scramble signal:扰乱信号
- compete
- fight
- battle
- rush
- cooperate
- share
- collaborate
- give
scramble [动词]:
1. If you scramble somewhere, you move quickly and have difficulty keeping your feet because you are running or climbing.
2. If you scramble over rocks or up a hill, you climb over them quickly and with difficulty.
3. If you scramble up or down a slope, you move up or down it quickly and with difficulty, especially on your hands and knees.
scramble [名词]:
1. A scramble is a situation in which people or animals move quickly in an uncontrolled way, often in order to get something for themselves or to avoid danger.
2. A scramble is a climb or walk over rocks or up a steep hill, in which you use your hands as well as your feet.
3. In some sports, a scramble is a competition in which players or teams try to get the ball, often by moving quickly or fighting with each other.
scramble [动词]:
1. Move hurriedly or clumsily from or into a particular place or position.
2. Climb or move quickly using one's hands and feet, as when one is in a hurry.
3. Make one's way quickly or awkwardly up a steep gradient or over rough ground by using one's hands as well as one's feet.
scramble [名词]:
1. A scuffle or struggle.
2. An act of moving hurriedly or clumsily from or into a particular place or position.
3. A rapid or hurried climb or movement over or up something.
- She scrambled up the steep hill to get a better view.
- The children scrambled over the rocks to reach the beach.
- He scrambled down the ladder and ran towards the exit.
- There was a scramble for the last available seats.
- They had to do a scramble to gather enough evidence for the case.
- The climbers completed a difficult scramble up the mountain.
- The crowd scrambled to get a glimpse of the famous actor.
- She scrambled to finish her work before the deadline.
- The hikers scrambled up the rocky trail to reach the summit.
- There was a scramble for seats when the concert started.
- The children scrambled for the last piece of cake.
- He scrambled over the fence to escape from the angry dog.
- The climbers faced a challenging scramble to reach the peak.
- There was a scramble to collect the scattered documents.
- The team made a scramble for the ball in the final minutes of the game.
- We had to scramble to find a solution to the unexpected problem.
- He scrambled eggs for breakfast.
- She scrambled the radio signal to prevent interception.
- The soldiers performed a scramble drill during the training exercise.
- The company faced a scramble for resources during the busy season.
- They organized a scramble for charity to raise funds for the homeless.
- In the scramble for power, alliances were formed and broken.
- The reporter scrambled to get the exclusive interview with the celebrity.
- There was a scramble of voices as everyone tried to share their opinion.
- The children scrambled through the obstacle course, competing for the best time.
- He scrambled to find his keys before leaving the house.
- They scrambled to secure a spot in the limited parking lot.