- 1. 紧张的;有准备的;有力的
英文释义:ready for something difficult or unpleasant
例句:He took a deep breath and braced himself for the news.(他深吸了一口气,为听到的消息做好了心理准备。) - 2. 结实的;牢固的
英文释义:strong and solid
例句:The bridge has a brace of steel cables.(这座桥有一组钢缆作支撑。)
- 1. 支撑物;支架
英文释义:a device that holds things firmly together or gives support
例句:She wore a brace on her injured knee.(她在受伤的膝盖上戴着支架。) - 2. 牙箍
英文释义:a wire device worn on the teeth to make them straight
例句:He had to wear braces for two years to fix his crooked teeth.(他需要戴两年牙套来矫正他的龅牙。) - 3. 一对;一双
英文释义:a pair of things
例句:She wore a brace of earrings.(她戴了一对耳环。) - 4. 紧握;紧抱
英文释义:a strong grip or hug
例句:He gave her a warm brace.(他紧紧地拥抱了她。) - 5. 勇气;鼓舞
英文释义:courage or encouragement
例句:The team needed a brace to face the challenges ahead.(这个团队需要勇气来面对未来的挑战。) - 6. 支撑物(尤指金属线);横杆
英文释义:a piece of material, especially metal wire, used to support or strengthen something
例句:The shelf needs an additional brace to hold the weight.(这个架子需要一个额外的支撑物来承受重量。)
brace, support, prop
- brace:指用某物来固定或增强支撑的作用。
- support:泛指为某物提供持续或稳定的支持。
- prop:指为某物提供暂时或短期的支撑。
brace oneself:做好准备;做好心理准备
brace up:振作起来;鼓起勇气
support, prop, buttress, reinforcement, stay
weaken, loosen, slacken, relax
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
brace (noun)
- 1. 支撑物;支架
- 2. 牙箍
- 3. 一对;一双
brace (verb)
- 1. 支撑;支持
- 2. 鼓舞;使振作
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
brace (noun)
- 1. 支撑物;支架
- 2. 牙箍
- 3. 一对;一双
brace (verb)
- 1. 支撑;支持
- 2. 鼓舞;使振作
1. brace sb for sth:为某事使某人有所准备
2. brace oneself for sth:为某事使自己有所准备
3. brace sth against/on/upon sth:将某物支撑在某物上
4. brace up:振作起来;鼓起勇气
- 1. He took a deep breath and braced himself for the news.(他深吸了一口气,为听到的消息做好了心理准备。)
- 2. The bridge has a brace of steel cables.(这座桥有一组钢缆作支撑。)
- 3. She wore a brace on her injured knee.(她在受伤的膝盖上戴着支架。)
- 4. He had to wear braces for two years to fix his crooked teeth.(他需要戴两年牙套来矫正他的龅牙。)
- 5. She wore a brace of earrings.(她戴了一对耳环。)
- 6. He gave her a warm brace.(他紧紧地拥抱了她。)
- 7. The team needed a brace to face the challenges ahead.(这个团队需要勇气来面对未来的挑战。)
- 8. The shelf needs an additional brace to hold the weight.(这个架子需要一个额外的支撑物来承受重量。)
- 9. He braced himself against the strong wind.(他抵住了强风。)
- 10. She braced her foot on the edge of the cliff.(她的脚顶在悬崖的边缘上。)
- 11. We need to brace the ladder against the wall.(我们需要把梯子靠在墙上。)
- 12. The news braced him up.(这个消息给了他鼓舞。)
- 13. He braced up and faced the challenge.(他振作起来,面对挑战。)
- 14. She wore a silver bracelet on her wrist.(她手腕上戴着一只银手镯。)
- 15. He wore braces to keep his pants up.(他系着吊带裤。)
- 16. The table is supported by double-braces.(这张桌子由双重支撑物支撑。)
- 17. The building needs additional support to withstand the earthquake.(这座建筑需要额外的支持以抵挡地震。)
- 18. They used a wooden prop to hold up the door.(他们用一根木撑撑住了门。)
- 19. The bridge was reinforced with steel buttresses.(这座桥用钢支撑物加固。)
- 20. He leaned on the wall for stay.(他靠墙支撑着。)