divisional - 部门的;分部的
divisive - 引起分裂的;导致不和的
1. 分割,划分:
- a division of land - 土地的划分
- the division of labor - 劳动的分工
2. 部分,部门:
- the sales division - 销售部门
- the research division - 研究部
3. 分歧,分裂:
- political divisions - 政治分歧
- racial divisions - 种族分裂
4. 除法:
- long division - 除法
divide - 分割;分开
divisible - 可以除尽的;可分的
divider - 分隔物;隔墙
partition, separation, split, breakup
union, combination, unity
division (noun)
- The division of a large unit into two or more distinct parts or subsystems.
- A grouping of military forces, usually consisting of two or more regiments.
- A group of people or things acting together as a unit, especially a group of people forming a distinct part of a large organization.
- The act or process of dividing; separation.
- A difference of opinion, viewpoint, or attitude.
- A category or class; a group.
division (noun)
- The action of separating something into parts or the process of being separated.
- Each of the parts into which something is divided.
- A disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility.
- A separate part of a large organization.
- The process of dividing a number, especially one by another.
1. division作为名词时,常用于以下短语中:division of labor(劳动分工),division of power(权力分立),division of responsibilities(责任划分)。
2. division作为动词时,表示“分割,划分”,其常见的过去式和过去分词形式为divided。
- The division of the company into separate units made it more efficient. (公司的划分使其更高效。)
- She works in the sales division of the company. (她在公司的销售部门工作。)
- There is a sharp division between the two political parties. (两个政党之间存在着明显的分歧。)
- Long division is a mathematical operation. (长除法是一种数学运算。)
- The division of household chores should be fair. (家务分工应该公平。)
- He is responsible for the eastern division of the company. (他负责公司的东部分部。)
- The division of the inheritance caused a lot of conflict among the family members. (遗产的分割在家庭成员中引起了很多冲突。)
- The division of the country into provinces was a major political decision. (国家的划分为省份是一个重大的政治决策。)
- The division of the cake into equal portions was a fair arrangement. (将蛋糕划分为相等的部分是一个公平的安排。)
- The division of labor in the factory is well organized. (工厂的劳动分工井然有序。)
- The division of the book into chapters helps the readers navigate through the content. (对这本书的分章有助于读者浏览内容。)
- There is a growing division between the rich and the poor in the society. (社会上贫富差距日益加大。)
- The division of responsibility among the team members ensures efficient collaboration. (团队成员之间的责任划分确保了高效的合作。)
- She is the head of the marketing division. (她是市场部的负责人。)
- After the division of the company, each department became more specialized. (公司的划分后,每个部门都变得更加专业化。)
- He used long division to solve the math problem. (他用长除法解决数学问题。)
- The division of the city into different zones helps with urban planning. (将城市划分为不同的区域有助于城市规划。)
- The political divisions in the country led to protests and unrest. (国家内的政治分裂导致了抗议和动荡。)
- The division of the budget among the departments was a complex task. (预算在各部门之间的划分是一项复杂的任务。)
- The division of the company's assets will be determined by the court. (公司资产的划分将由法院决定。)