- implicative [ɪmˈplɪkeɪtɪv] - 意味深长的,暗示的
- implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən] - 含义,暗示
- implication [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən] - 影响,结果
- implicate [ˈɪmplɪkeɪt] - 牵连,涉及
- implicit [ɪmˈplɪsɪt] - 含蓄的,暗示的
- imply [ɪmˈplaɪ] - 暗示,意味
- inference [ˈɪnfərəns] - 推论,推断
- consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] - 结果,后果
- insinuation [ˌɪnsɪnjuˈeɪʃən] - 暗示,影射
- hint [hɪnt] - 暗示,示意
- suggestion [səˈdʒɛstʃən] - 暗示,建议
- explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] - 明确的,直言的
implication (noun)
- When you talk about the implications of a particular action or event, you mean the things that are likely to happen as a result of it.
- If someone or something has implications for a particular thing or situation, they have an effect on it.
- If you say that someone or something has implications, you mean that they express or suggest that a particular idea or situation is true.
implication (noun)
- The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
- The action or state of being involved in something.
- The action of implying something.
1. The implication of his statement is that he will resign. (他的话意味着他将辞职。) [Collins]
2. This decision has serious implications for our company. (这个决定对我们公司有重大影响。) [Oxford]
3. His silence seemed to imply agreement. (他的沉默似乎意味着同意。) [Collins]
4. The report implies that the company is in financial trouble. (报告暗示公司财务困境。) [Oxford]
- The implication of his statement is that he will resign. (他的话意味着他将辞职。)
- This decision has serious implications for our company. (这个决定对我们公司有重大影响。)
- His silence seemed to imply agreement. (他的沉默似乎意味着同意。)
- The report implies that the company is in financial trouble. (报告暗示公司财务困境。)
- The implicative nature of her remarks was not lost on him. (他理解她话中的暗示。)
- What are the implications of this new legislation? (这项新法规有什么含义?)
- The implications of the study are far-reaching. (这项研究的影响深远。)
- His words had implications beyond their immediate meaning. (他的话有超越其直接意思的含义。)
- The implication that he was involved in the crime shocked everyone. (他涉及这起犯罪的暗示让每个人都感到震惊。)
- The implication that she was responsible for the accident made her feel guilty. (她对事故负有责任的暗示让她感到内疚。)
- The implication of his words was that she was not capable of handling the job. (他话中的暗示是她无法胜任这份工作。)
- He implied that he was not satisfied with the current situation. (他暗示他对目前的情况不满意。)
- She implied that they were more than just friends. (她暗示他们不仅仅是朋友。)
- The results of the study imply a significant link between the two variables. (这项研究的结果暗示着两个变量之间存在显著联系。)
- The report implies that the company is facing financial difficulties. (报告暗示公司面临财务困难。)
- His behavior implies a lack of respect for authority. (他的行为暗示对权威的不尊重。)
- The implicative tone of her message made him uneasy. (她信息中的含蓄暗示让他感到不安。)
- There are serious implications for the environment if we continue to pollute. (如果我们继续污染,对环境将会产生严重的影响。)
- The study's findings have important implications for future research. (这项研究的发现对未来的研究具有重要意义。)
- The implications of her decision are still unclear. (她的决定的影响尚不清楚。)
- His words had implications beyond their immediate meaning. (他的话有超越其直接意思的含义。)