1. punch (adj.)
英文解释:having forceful impact or effectiveness
- The boxer delivered a punch to his opponent's jaw. (拳击手对他的对手下了一拳。)
- She gave a punch response to the critic's negative review. (她对评论家的负面评论作出了有力的回应。)
1. punch (n.)
英文解释:a blow with the fist
- The boxer threw a powerful punch at his opponent. (拳击手向对手猛击了一拳。)
- The punch to his stomach left him breathless. (对他腹部的重击让他喘不过气来。)
2. punch (n.)
英文解释:a tool used for making holes or impressions in a surface
- The carpenter used a punch to create small holes in the wood. (木工使用冲床在木材上打小孔。)
- The metal plate was marked with the company's logo using a punch. (金属板上用冲床打上了公司的标志。)
Punch vs. Hit vs. Strike
中文翻译:拳击 vs. 打 vs. 击打
- Punch emphasizes the act of hitting with a closed fist, often in a specific sport or combat context.
- Hit is a general term for striking with force, and can apply to various parts of the body or objects.
- Strike generally refers to a forceful blow or impact, often with an object or a body part.
- The boxer threw a powerful punch at his opponent's face. (拳击手向对手脸部猛击了一拳。)
- He hit the ball with the baseball bat. (他用棒球棒击球。)
- The hammer struck the nail with great force. (锤子用大力砸向钉子。)
1. punchy (adj.)
英文解释:having a powerful or forceful impact
- The punchy bassline in the song added energy to the rhythm. (歌曲中有力的低音线为节奏增添了活力。)
- The writer's punchy style captivated the readers. (作家有力的写作风格吸引了读者。)
1. blow (n.)
英文解释:a forceful stroke or hit
- The boxer delivered a powerful blow to his opponent's head. (拳击手给了对手一个有力的打击。)
- She felt a blow to her pride when she didn't get the promotion. (她没有得到晋升时感到了打击。)
1. caress (n.)
英文解释:a gentle and loving touch or stroke
- The mother gave her baby a tender caress on the cheek. (母亲在孩子脸上轻轻地爱抚了一下。)
- He gently caressed her hand as they walked together. (他们一起走路时,他温柔地抚摸着她的手。)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- A punch is a drink made from wine or spirits mixed with fruit juices or other drinks. (用葡萄酒或烈酒与果汁或其他饮料混合制成的饮品。)
- In computing, a punch is a hole that is made in a piece of card or paper so that information can be stored on it in the form of a pattern of holes. (在计算机中,冲孔是在纸片或纸上打孔,以便以孔的形式存储信息。)
transitive verb
If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist. (如果你打某人或某物,你用拳头重击他们。)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- A punch is a drink made from fruit juices mixed with soda water or other liquids, often with the addition of alcohol. (冲饮料是由果汁与苏打水或其他液体混合而成的饮料,通常添加酒精。)
- A punch is a device for making holes in a surface. (冲孔机是一种用于在表面上打孔的装置。)
If you punch someone, you hit them hard with your fist. (如果你猛击某人,你用拳头重击他们。)
Punch (n.)
- The bartender served a refreshing fruit punch at the party.
- She used a hole punch to make spaces for the binder.
Punch (v.)
- The boxer punched his opponent in the face.
- He punched the wall out of frustration.
- The boxer delivered a powerful punch to his opponent's face. (拳击手向对手脸部猛击了一拳。)
- She hit the ball with a punch and it sailed over the net. (她用力击球,球越过了网。)
- The punch to his stomach left him winded. (对他腹部的重击让他上气不接下气。)
- He used a hole punch to make a neat row of holes in the paper. (他用打孔器在纸上打了一排整齐的孔。)
- The comedian's punch line had the audience roaring with laughter. (喜剧演员的妙语令观众捧腹大笑。)
- She punched the numbers into the calculator to get the total. (她在计算器上输入数字,得出总数。)
- The punch from the heavyweight champion knocked his opponent out cold. (重量级冠军的一拳将他的对手打晕了。)
- The party punch was a delicious blend of tropical fruit juices and sparkling water. (宴会上的冲饮料是热带果汁和苏打水的美味混合物。)
- He used a punch to create decorative patterns on the metal sheet. (他用冲床在金属板上制作装饰图案。)
- The critic's scathing review packed a punch and damaged the artist's reputation. (评论家尖刻的评论具有破坏力,损害了艺术家的声誉。)
- The boxer threw a powerful punch that connected with his opponent's jaw. (拳击手出拳有力,击中了对手的下巴。)
- She punched the air in triumph after winning the race. (她在赢得比赛后向空中挥拳庆祝胜利。)
- The punch card system was widely used in early computer programming. (冲孔卡系统在早期计算机编程中广泛使用。)
- He punched a hole in the paper using a paper punch. (他用打孔器在纸上打了一个洞。)
- The detective's punchy style of writing made the crime novel a bestseller. (侦探生动有力的写作风格使得此犯罪小说成为畅销书。)
- The punchline of the joke caught everyone by surprise and had them laughing hysterically. (笑话的妙语令人们大吃一惊,让他们笑得前仰后合。)
- He punched the bag at the gym to release his stress and anger. (他在健身房用力击打沙袋以释放压力和愤怒。)
- The factory worker operated the punch press to create holes in the metal sheets. (工厂工人操作冲床在金属板上打孔。)
- The boxer took a punch to the ribs but managed to stay on his feet. (拳击手被对手击中了肋骨,但设法站稳了脚跟。)
- She used a hole punch to make a small opening in the cardboard box. (她用打孔器在纸板盒上打了一个小孔。)
- The punchy beats of the music had the crowd dancing all night. (音乐有力的节奏让人群整夜狂欢。)
- The comedian's punchline was unexpected and had the audience in stitches. (喜剧演员妙语出人意料,让观众捧腹大笑。)