形容词: - Abortion(流产的) - Abortive(不成功的) 名词: - Abortion(流产) - Termination(终止妊娠)词语辨析
- Abortion和Termination都指的是终止妊娠的行为,但Termination更常用于医学术语,而Abortion也可以指自然流产。 - Abortive指的是未成功的、夭折的、不发达的等含义。词汇扩充
- Induced abortion(人工流产) - Spontaneous abortion(自然流产) - Elective abortion(选择性流产) - Medical abortion(药物流产) - Surgical abortion(手术流产)近义词
- Termination - Miscarriage - Termination of pregnancy - Feticide反义词
- Pregnancy(怀孕)柯林斯词典解释
名词 1. Abortion is the deliberate ending of a pregnancy by removing the fetus from the womb. 2. An abortion is the process of ending a pregnancy by having the fetus or embryo removed from the womb. 3. If a woman has an abortion, she has a medical operation to end her pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus. 形容词 1. Abortion means connected with the ending of a pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo from the womb. 2. Abortive means unsuccessful or not developing fully.牛津词典解释
名词 1. The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. 2. The natural or spontaneous termination of a pregnancy at a stage where the offspring is incapable of surviving, typically defined in humans at gestation less than 28 weeks. 3. The expulsion of a fetus from the uterus by natural causes before it is able to survive independently. 形容词 1. (of a pregnancy) Terminated by the expulsion or removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus. 2. Failing to produce the intended result; unsuccessful or fruitless.用法
名词: - She had an abortion last year. - The debate over abortion rights continues. - The law permits abortion in certain circumstances. 形容词: - She had an abortion procedure. - The abortive attempt was a result of poor planning. - The medication had abortive effects.相关例句
- She decided to have an abortion after careful consideration.(经过慎重考虑,她决定终止妊娠。)
- The legality of abortion is a highly controversial topic.(堕胎的合法性是一个极具争议的话题。)
- They offer counseling services for women considering abortion.(他们提供给考虑堕胎的女性咨询服务。)
- She had an abortion at six weeks into her pregnancy.(她在怀孕六周时做了流产手术。)
- They argued passionately about the ethics of abortion.(他们对堕胎的伦理道德问题进行了激烈的争论。)
- The government is considering changes to the abortion laws.(政府正在考虑修改堕胎法律。)
- She felt a great sense of relief after the abortion.(她在流产后感到非常宽慰。)
- She had a spontaneous abortion due to complications.(由于并发症,她自然流产了。)
- He was strongly opposed to abortion on religious grounds.(出于宗教原因,他强烈反对堕胎。)
- The couple made the difficult decision to have an elective abortion.(这对夫妇做出了选择性流产的艰难决定。)
- She underwent a medical abortion using medication.(她通过药物进行了药物流产。)
- The abortive attempt to save the company failed.(挽救公司的不成功尝试失败了。)
- The project was abandoned after an abortive start.(项目在一个失败的开始后被放弃了。)
- His abortive efforts to fix the problem were in vain.(他修复问题的不成功努力是徒劳的。)
- She experienced emotional trauma after the abortive pregnancy.(在流产后,她经历了情感上的创伤。)
- They discussed the potential risks of an abortive pregnancy.(他们讨论了流产妊娠的潜在风险。)
- The medication had abortive effects on the fetus.(药物对胎儿产生了流产的作用。)
- She had an unsuccessful abortion attempt and had to undergo surgery.(她的流产尝试不成功,必须接受手术。)
- The abortive pregnancy resulted in emotional distress.(流产的妊娠导致了情绪上的困扰。)
- They explored alternative options to abortion.(他们探讨了堕胎的替代方案。)
- She decided to keep the baby instead of having an abortion.(她决定不堕胎,而是要孩子。)