boil [bɔɪl]
- 沸腾;煮沸
- 激动;生气
- 煮;烹调
- (使)烦恼;激怒
- (使)持续;(使)升级
- 炖煮;炖菜
- (使)冒泡;(使)沸腾
boil [bɔɪl]
- 疖;疮
- 沸点;煮沸
boil [bɔɪl]
- 煮沸的;沸腾的
- 发疖的;长疖的
1. boil vs simmer:两者均指液体沸腾,但boil表示剧烈沸腾,而simmer表示轻柔地沸腾。
2. boil vs steam:两者均指通过加热产生蒸汽,但boil更强调液体的沸腾,而steam更强调蒸汽的产生。
1. boiling point:沸点
2. boiling water:沸水
3. boiled eggs:煮鸡蛋
4. boiler:锅炉
5. boiling hot:滚烫的
- heat up:加热
- cook:烹饪
- stew:炖煮
- freeze:冻结
- cool:冷却
boil [bɔɪl]
- When a liquid boils or when you boil it, it reaches the temperature where it bubbles and turns to steam or vapour.
- If you boil a kettle or a pan, you heat it until the liquid inside it starts to boil.
- If a container boils or if you boil it, the liquid inside it becomes so hot that bubbles rise and steam or vapour is produced.
- If you boil an egg or a vegetable, or if it boils, it is cooked in boiling water.
- If you boil a food or a dish, you cook it by boiling it.
- If a person or part of their body is boiling, they feel very hot.
- If a liquid boils over or if you boil it over, it rises and flows over the edge of the container because it is so hot.
- A boil is a painful swelling on the skin, usually caused by an infection.
- The boil of a kettle or a pan is the temperature at which the liquid inside it starts to boil.
boil [bɔɪl]
- Reach or cause to reach the temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor.
- Cook (food) in boiling water.
- Be in an agitated or violent state.
- Be filled with intense but unexpressed anger.
- Make (a liquid) agitated or violent.
- Heat (a liquid) to such a high temperature that it bubbles and turns to vapor.
- A painful, pus-filled lump on the skin, caused by the infection of a hair follicle.
- boil water:煮沸水
- boil an egg:煮鸡蛋
- boil vegetables:煮蔬菜
- boil over:溢出
- boil with rage:怒不可遏
1. The water will boil in a few minutes.
2. Boil the potatoes until they are tender.
3. The pot boiled over and made a mess on the stove.
4. She was boiling with anger.
5. The kettle is boiling, would you like some tea?
6. He has a painful boil on his back.
7. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.
8. The soup is boiling hot, be careful.
9. The pot is on the stove, waiting for the water to boil.
10. They were so angry that their emotions were about to boil over.
11. I'm going to boil some pasta for dinner.
12. She simmered with rage as she listened to his insulting remarks.
13. The saucepan was simmering gently on the stove.
14. The tea kettle is starting to simmer.
15. She boiled the milk to make hot chocolate.
16. The anger boiled up inside him, but he managed to stay calm.
17. The pot was boiling and steam was rising from it.
18. The water boiled away, leaving the pot empty.
19. The soup is boiling over, can you turn down the heat?
20. I could see he was boiling mad, so I decided not to provoke him further.