1. 形容词
confirmatory: 确认的,证实的
2. 名词
1. 确认,证实
Confirmation refers to the act of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something.
【例句】The document provides confirmation of the company's financial position. (该文件证实了公司的财务状况。)
2. 肯定的证据;确证
In a religious context, confirmation is a sacrament or ceremony in which a person is admitted as a full member of the Church.
【例句】She received confirmation when she was twelve years old. (她在十二岁时领受了坚振礼。)
3. 确认的信函
A confirmation is a letter, email, or document that serves as proof or acknowledgement of something.
【例句】I received a confirmation of my flight reservation. (我收到了机票预订的确认函。)
3. 词语辨析
verification: 验证,核实 (指通过检查、调查等手段确认事实的真实性)
corroboration: 确证,证实 (指提供进一步支持或证明某事的证据)
4. 词汇扩充
affirmation: 肯定,确认
ratification: 批准,认可
assurance: 保证,确信
5. 近义词
validation, acknowledgment, corroboration, verification, proof, attestation
6. 反义词
disproof, denial
7. 柯林斯词典
【英】Confirmation is the act of showing that something is definitely true, or something that shows this.
【例句】There is no independent confirmation of his story. (没有独立证实他的故事的证据。)
【美】Confirmation is a ceremony in some Christian churches that confirms a person's faith.
【例句】He was confirmed when he was 15. (他在15岁时领受了坚振礼。)
8. 牛津词典
【英】Confirmation is the act of confirming something or the state of being confirmed.
【例句】The existence of the document is confirmation that their relationship was formal. (这份文件的存在证实了他们之间的关系很正式。)
【美】Confirmation is a Christian ceremony in which a person shows that they believe in Christianity and want to become a full member of the Church.
【例句】She received confirmation in the Anglican Church. (她在圣公会接受了坚振礼。)
9. 用法
Confirmation can be used as both a noun and an adjective.
作为名词:Confirmation of something refers to the act or process of establishing its truth or validity.
作为形容词:Confirmatory describes something that provides confirmation or serves to confirm.
- The confirmation email contains all the details of your flight. (确认邮件中包含了你的航班细节。)
- Please wait for the confirmation before making any further arrangements. (在收到确认函之前,请不要做进一步的安排。)
- I need confirmation that the payment has been received. (我需要确认已收到付款。)
- The witness's testimony provided confirmation of the suspect's guilt. (证人的证词证实了嫌疑犯的有罪。)
- The confirmation of her appointment came as a relief. (她被任命的确认消息令人松了一口气。)
- His promotion to manager is still awaiting confirmation from the board. (他的晋升为经理仍在等待董事会的确认。)
- There is no confirmation of the rumors about a new product launch. (没有关于新产品发布的证实。)
- The confirmation of her identity was necessary for security reasons. (出于安全原因,她的身份确认是必要的。)
- Confirmation of the reservation will be sent via email. (预订确认将通过电子邮件发送。)
- After much consideration, he finally gave his confirmation to the proposal. (经过深思熟虑,他最终同意了这个提议。)
- She sought confirmation from multiple sources before drawing a conclusion. (她在得出结论之前从多个来源寻求确认。)
- His confirmation of innocence came as a shock to everyone. (他对无罪的确认令所有人震惊。)
- I received a confirmation letter for my job interview. (我收到了面试的确认信。)
- The confirmation of his diagnosis relieved his anxiety. (诊断的确认减轻了他的焦虑。)
- She eagerly awaited the confirmation of her university acceptance. (她迫切期待着大学录取的确认。)
- He provided confirmation of his alibi through video footage. (他通过视频证据提供了他的不在场证明。)
- The confirmation of her talent came when she won the competition. (她赢得比赛时,她的才华得到了确认。)
- They received confirmation that their flight had been canceled due to bad weather. (他们收到了由于恶劣天气导致航班取消的确认通知。)
- The confirmation of the suspect's fingerprints matched the evidence found at the crime scene. (嫌疑犯指纹的确认与在犯罪现场发现的证据相符。)
- She showed great confidence and confirmation in her presentation. (她在演讲中表现出极大的自信和肯定。)