1. [不可数名词] 离婚
- file for divorce:提出离婚申请
- get a divorce:离婚
- divorce settlement:离婚协议
- divorce proceedings:离婚诉讼
2. [可数名词] 离婚案件
- handle a divorce case:处理离婚案件
- file for a divorce:提起离婚诉讼
- settle a divorce:解决离婚案件
3. [可数名词] 分离;分离的事物
- divorce from reality:脱离现实
1. 离婚
- divorce sb:与某人离婚
- divorce each other:相互离婚
- divorce sb from sb:与某人离婚
2. 分离;脱离
- divorce oneself from sth:脱离某事物
1. 离婚的
- divorced:离异的
- divorcing:正在离婚的
2. 分离的;脱离的;独立的
- divorced from reality:脱离现实的
3. 不相干的;不相关的
- divorced from each other:彼此无关的
1. 离婚;离异
the legal ending of a marriage; the act of ending a marriage
2. 分离;分离的事物
the ending of a relationship or connection
3. [可数名词] 离婚案件;离婚诉讼
a legal case that is brought to court to end a marriage
1. 离婚
to legally end your marriage with your husband or wife
2. 分离;脱离
to separate something from something else
1. 离婚的
related to divorce or the process of getting a divorce
2. 分离的;脱离的;独立的
separated from something else
3. 不相干的;不相关的
not connected or related to something else
divorced from reality:脱离现实的
divorced from each other:彼此无关的
breakup, separation, split
marriage, union, wedding
divorce (noun):
The divorce is not yet final.
divorce (verb):
They divorced after three years of marriage.
divorcee (noun):
She is a divorcee.
divorce (noun):
She has been granted a divorce.
divorce (verb):
They divorced after just two years of marriage.
divorced (adjective):
Her parents are divorced.
divorce sb from sb:
The divorce had divorced him from his family.
divorce sb:
He divorced his first wife and married again.
divorce each other:
They divorced each other after ten years of marriage.
divorce from reality:
He seemed to be divorced from reality.
- She filed for divorce last week. 她上周提出离婚申请。
- They are going through a divorce. 他们正在离婚。
- He handled many difficult divorce cases. 他处理过许多棘手的离婚案件。
- They reached a divorce settlement. 他们达成了离婚协议。
- She decided to get a divorce. 她决定离婚。
- The divorce proceedings lasted for months. 离婚诉讼持续了好几个月。
- He divorced her after five years of marriage. 他们结婚五年后离婚了。
- They divorced each other due to irreconcilable differences. 他们因无法调和的矛盾而互相离婚。
- She felt divorced from reality. 她觉得脱离了现实。
- He divorced himself from the group. 他脱离了这个团体。
- The divorced couple is still on good terms. 离异的夫妇仍保持良好关系。
- She is a divorced woman. 她是一个离异女子。
- They are in the process of divorcing. 他们正在离婚的过程中。
- He seemed to be divorced from reality. 他似乎脱离了现实。
- They are divorced from each other both personally and professionally. 无论是个人还是职业上,他们彼此之间毫无关联。
- The divorce was finalized last month. 上个月离婚程序完成了。
- The couple's divorce was messy and complicated. 这对夫妇的离婚案件非常混乱而复杂。
- She got a divorce from her abusive husband. 她与虐待她的丈夫离婚了。
- He divorced his wife and married someone else. 他与妻子离婚后又结婚了。
- They divorced each other and went their separate ways. 他们离婚后分道扬镳。
- The divorce from reality is causing her problems at work. 脱离现实让她在工作中遇到问题。
- She is trying to divorce herself from her family's influence. 她正试图脱离家庭的影响。
- They divorced each other after many years of marriage. 他们结婚多年后离婚。
- She is divorced and has custody of their children. 她离婚了,拥有孩子的抚养权。
- He divorced his first wife and married again. 他与第一任妻子离婚后再婚。