1. 安静的;寂静的 - 词义:不发声音或噪音的;没有声音的 - 例句:The library was silent except for the sound of pages turning.图书馆里除了翻书的声音外一片寂静。 - 同义词:quiet, noiseless - 反义词:noisy, loud 2. 不说话的;缄默的 - 词义:不发表意见或言语的;保持沉默的 - 例句:She remained silent throughout the meeting.
她在整个会议期间都保持沉默。 - 同义词:mute, speechless - 反义词:talkative, outspoken
1. 默剧 - 词义:表演者通过动作、表情和姿势来传达故事情节的一种戏剧形式 - 例句:The actor performed a silent on stage.这位演员在舞台上表演了一个默剧。 2. 寂静;沉默 - 词义:缺乏声音或噪音的状态;没有言语的状态 - 例句:A heavy silence filled the room.
寂静充满了房间。 - 同义词:stillness, quietness - 反义词:noise, noise pollution
- silent vs quiet: - silent强调的是完全没有声音或噪音,通常用于描述没有任何声响的环境或人物。 - quiet则表示相对较安静,但仍有一些轻微的声音存在。词汇扩充
- silently (副词):默默地,无声地 - silence (动词):使安静,使沉默柯林斯词典
形容词 1. 不出声的;寂静的 2. 不说话的;缄默的 名词 1. 沉默;寂静;无声 2. 默剧牛津词典
形容词 1. 无声的;寂静的 2. 不说话的;沉默的 名词 1. 寂静;无声 2. 默剧用法
- "silent"作为形容词时,可以用来描述没有声音或噪音的环境、人物或物体。 - 例:She sat in silent contemplation. - "silent"作为名词时,可以指沉默、寂静的状态,也可以指默剧表演形式。例句
- The forest was silent except for the sound of leaves rustling in the wind.
森林里寂静无声,只有风吹动树叶的声音。 - The teacher asked the students to be silent during the exam.
老师要求学生在考试期间保持安静。 - They stood in silent admiration of the beautiful sunset.
他们默默地欣赏着美丽的日落。 - The silent movie told a touching story through gestures and expressions.
这部默片通过动作和表情讲述了一个感人的故事。 - She kept her silent promise to always be there for him.
她默默地承诺永远陪伴在他身边。 - They observed a minute of silence to honor the fallen soldiers.
他们默哀一分钟,以纪念阵亡的士兵。 - The room fell silent as he entered, all eyes on him.
他进来时,整个房间都静了下来,所有人的目光都聚集在他身上。 - The silent agreement between them was understood without words.
他们之间的默契无需言语即可理解。 - He suffered in silent anguish, unable to express his pain.
他默默承受着痛苦,无法表达他的痛楚。 - The silent night was broken by the sound of fireworks.
寂静的夜晚被烟花声打破了。 - She remained silent, unable to find the right words to say.
她保持沉默,找不到合适的话语。 - The silent majority had their opinions but chose not to voice them.
沉默的大多数人有自己的观点,但选择了不表达。 - The silent witness to the crime was the security camera.
对这起犯罪的沉默见证者是安保摄像头。 - He gave her a silent nod of approval.
他默默地点头表示赞同。 - The silent letters in English words can be confusing for language learners.
英语单词中的无声字母对语言学习者来说很令人困惑。 - She stood in silent prayer, seeking solace and guidance.
她默默地祈祷,寻求安慰和指引。 - The silent film era was eventually replaced by the talkies.
默片时代最终被有声电影取代。 - He wore a silent smile, keeping his thoughts to himself.
他带着微笑,将自己的想法保留在心里。 - They exchanged silent glances, understanding each other without words.
他们默默地交换了眼神,无需言语就能相互理解。 - In the silent hours of the night, she found comfort in writing.