1. burst (adj.)
1. burst (n.)
1. outburst (n.) 爆发,突发
2. bursting (adj.) 充满的,即将爆炸的
3. burst into (phr. v.) 突然开始(做某事)
erupt, explode, detonate, blow up
implode, contract, shrink
burst (verb)
- If something bursts or if you burst it, it suddenly breaks open or splits open and the air or other substance inside it comes out.
- If you burst something that is full of air or if it bursts, it suddenly breaks open and the air comes out.
- If you burst into a place or burst through a door, you suddenly enter it, usually because you are very surprised or angry.
burst (noun)
- A burst of something is a sudden short period of it.
- A burst of activity, noise, or emotion is a short, sudden occurrence of it.
burst (verb)
- Break open or apart suddenly and violently, especially as a result of an impact, internal pressure, or natural development.
- (of a container) break suddenly and violently apart, spilling the contents.
- (burst into) suddenly begin (an activity).
burst (noun)
- A short period of intense activity or effort.
- A sudden outbreak of something, typically violence or other undesirable behavior.
- The balloon burst when it touched the thorn. (气球在触到刺时爆炸了。)
- The dam burst due to heavy rain. (大坝因暴雨决堤。)
- The child burst into tears. (孩子突然哭了起来。)
- She burst into the room and shouted at him. (她冲进房间对他大喊大叫。)
- They burst out laughing when they heard the joke. (听到这个笑话时,他们都笑了起来。)
- The sun burst through the clouds. (阳光穿透云层。)
- There was a sudden burst of applause. (突然响起了一阵掌声。)
- A burst of anger swept over him. (一阵愤怒涌上他心头。)
- She experienced a burst of energy after drinking the energy drink. (喝了这种能量饮料后,她感到精力充沛。)
- The company is experiencing a burst of growth. (该公司正在经历一波增长潮。)
- After studying for hours, he had a burst of creativity and wrote a beautiful poem. (经过几个小时的学习,他突然产生了创造力,写了一首美丽的诗。)
- The news of their engagement caused a burst of excitement among their friends. (他们订婚的消息在朋友中引起了一阵兴奋。)
- The child had a sudden burst of anger and threw his toys across the room. (孩子突然发了一阵脾气,把玩具扔到了房间的另一边。)
- He had a burst of inspiration and came up with a brilliant idea. (他突然灵感迸发,想出了一个绝妙的主意。)
- There was a burst of laughter from the audience. (观众中爆发出一阵笑声。)
- She had a burst of creativity and painted a beautiful picture. (她突然有了创作灵感,画了一幅美丽的画。)
- The burst of applause after the performance showed their appreciation. (演出结束后的掌声表达了他们的赞赏。)
- He had a sudden burst of anger and shouted at his coworkers. (他突然发了一阵脾气,对同事大叫大嚷。)
- The fireworks created a burst of color in the night sky. (烟火在夜空中绽放出一片色彩。)
- She had a burst of laughter and couldn't stop giggling. (她突然笑了起来,停不下来。)
- He had a burst of energy and ran the marathon in record time. (他精力充沛,以创纪录的时间完成了马拉松比赛。)