1. 严厉的;残酷的
harsh (adjective)
- [of a person or their behavior] cruel or severe in manner or action
- Her harsh words brought tears to his eyes. (她的尖酸刻薄的话让他落泪。)
- His harsh treatment of the prisoners is a violation of human rights. (他对待囚犯的残酷行为违反人权。)
2. 刺耳的;刺目的;粗糙的
harsh (adjective)
- [of a sound, light, or texture] unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses
- The harsh sound of the alarm clock woke him up abruptly. (刺耳的闹钟声使他突然醒来。)
- The harsh winter wind cut through their clothing. (寒冷的冬风穿透了他们的衣服。)
3. 严峻的;艰苦的
harsh (adjective)
- [of conditions or circumstances] difficult to endure; challenging
- They faced harsh living conditions in the refugee camp. (他们在难民营里面临着艰苦的生活条件。)
- The company had to make harsh decisions in order to survive the economic crisis. (为了度过经济危机,公司不得不做出艰难的决策。)
1. 严酷;苛刻
harshness (noun)
- [uncountable] the quality or state of being harsh
- The harshness of his criticism made her feel discouraged. (他的严厉批评让她感到泄气。)
- The harshness of the punishment shocked the public. (惩罚的严厉使公众感到震惊。)
- His harsh criticism hurt her feelings. (他尖刻的批评伤害了她的感情。)
- His cruel criticism crushed her spirit. (他残酷的批评打击了她的精神。)
- rigorous:严格的
- brutal:残忍的
- gritty:粗糙的
- severe:严峻的
- rough:粗糙的
- stern:严厉的
- intense:强烈的
- rough
- tough
- severe
- stern
- cruel
- gentle:温和的
- mild:温和的
- soft:柔和的
- lenient:宽容的
- kind:善良的
harsh (adj.)
- Someone who is harsh is unkind and unpleasant to other people. (对他人刻薄的;无礼的)
- If you describe light, sound, or weather as harsh, you mean that it is very bright, loud, or unpleasant. (刺眼的;刺耳的;恶劣的)
- If you describe someone's words or actions as harsh, you disapprove of them because you think they are cruel or unkind. (严厉的;残酷的)
harsh (adj.)
- Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses. (刺耳的;刺目的;粗糙的)
- Strict and demanding; severe. (严厉的;苛刻的)
- Unpleasantly bright or distorted. (刺眼的;扭曲的)
- Unpleasantly rough or dry. (刺激性的;粗糙的)
- She criticized him in a harsh manner. (她以严厉的方式批评了他。)
- The harsh winter weather made driving conditions dangerous. (严寒的冬季天气使得驾驶条件危险。)
- The teacher's harsh punishment was criticized by the students. (学生们批评了老师的严厉惩罚。)
- The politician's harsh comments sparked a public controversy. (政客的尖锐言论引发了公众争议。)
- She couldn't bear the harshness of his words. (她无法忍受他的尖刻话语。)
- 他父亲对他的行为很严厉,从不宠他。His father is harsh to him and never spoils him.
- 这个国家的法律对犯罪行为采取了严厉的制裁措施。The laws of this country take harsh measures against criminal behavior.
- 这位老师给学生的批评总是尖锐而严厉。The teacher's criticisms to students are always harsh and severe.
- 她用严厉的语气对他说:“你应该为自己的行为负责。”She said to him in a harsh tone, "You should take responsibility for your actions."
- 这个国家的环境条件很恶劣,人们生活在艰苦的环境中。The environmental conditions in this country are harsh, and people live in harsh conditions.
- 这个地方的冬季气候非常严寒。The winter climate in this place is very harsh.
- 这个国家的经济条件恶劣,人们生活很艰难。The economic conditions in this country are harsh, and people live a difficult life.
- 他对待下属总是非常苛刻。He is always very harsh to his subordinates.
- 这种音乐的节奏和旋律都很刺耳。The rhythm and melody of this music are both harsh.
- 她的话听起来很尖酸刻薄。Her words sound very harsh.
- 天气变得越来越恶劣,他们不得不提前返回营地。The weather became increasingly harsh, and they had to return to the camp early.
- 在那个恶劣的环境中,他们很难找到食物和水。In that harsh environment, it was difficult for them to find food and water.
- 他对待员工总是严厉苛刻,没有一点宽容之心。He is always harsh and demanding towards his employees, without any tolerance.
- 这个地区的土地贫瘠,农作物生长条件恶劣。The land in this area is infertile, and the growing conditions for crops are harsh.
- 这个国家的法律对毒品犯罪行为采取了严厉的惩罚措施。The laws of this country take harsh punitive measures against drug-related crimes.
- 他的声音听起来很刺耳,就像指甲划过黑板一样。His voice sounds harsh, like nails scratching on a blackboard.
- 他用粗糙的声音对她说:“离我远点!”He said to her in a harsh voice, "Stay away from me!"
- 她的皮肤非常干燥,感觉很粗糙。Her skin is very dry and feels harsh.
- 这种香料的味道很刺激性。The taste of this spice is harsh and stimulating.
- 他的措辞过于刺耳,没有任何尊重他人的意思。His wording is too harsh and shows no respect for others.
- 这个国家的行政管理非常严厉。The administrative management of this country is very harsh.