- wear ['wɛə] (adj.): 破旧的;穿着的;久经使用的。
- wear ['wɛə] (n.): 穿着;磨损。
- wear (n.): 服装;装饰品。
- wear and tear (n.): 损耗;磨损。
wear 和put on 都可以表示“穿戴”,但wear 强调状态,而put on 强调动作。
- overwear (v.): 过度穿戴。
- underwear (n.): 内衣。
- outerwear (n.): 外衣。
- evening wear (n.): 晚礼服。
- workwear (n.): 工装。
- dress (v.): 穿戴;打扮。
- attire (n.): 服装;盛装。
- garments (n.): 衣服。
- remove (v.): 脱掉;移走。
- undress (v.): 脱衣。
wear (verb)
- If you wear something such as clothes, shoes, or jewellery, you have them on your body.
- If something wears well or badly, it lasts a long time or a short time before it starts to look old or damaged.
- If you wear a particular expression or look on your face, or if it wears there, your face naturally looks like that, especially as a result of your feelings.
- If you wear well, or if something wears well on you, it makes you look attractive.
- If you wear a particular type of clothes, you have them on your body and they make you look a certain way.
wear (verb)
- Have on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, or protection.
- Damage, erode, or destroy by friction or use.
- Put on or be dressed in (clothes).
- Endure continued use or life in a particular way.
- Have (a particular expression) on one's face or in one's manner.
- I wear a blue hat.(我戴着一顶蓝色帽子。)
- These shoes wear well.(这些鞋子耐穿。)
- She wears a worried expression.(她脸上带着忧虑的表情。)
- The color wears well on you.(这个颜色适合你。)
- He likes to wear casual clothes.(他喜欢穿休闲服。)
- I often wear a hat in summer to protect myself from the sun. (夏天我经常戴帽子来防晒。)
- The carpet has started to wear in the high-traffic areas of the house. (地毯在房屋高流量区域开始磨损。)
- She wears a smile on her face every day. (她每天都带着微笑。)
- The new dress really wears well on you. (这件新裙子你穿得很好看。)
- He always wears formal attire to work. (他总是穿正式的服装上班。)
- She wears a necklace and bracelet for the party. (她参加派对时戴了项链和手镯。)
- The constant use of the machine caused wear and tear. (机器的长期使用导致了磨损。)
- He prefers to wear sports clothes when he exercises. (他锻炼时更喜欢穿运动服。)
- She accidentally wore mismatched socks to work. (她不小心穿了两只不同的袜子去上班。)
- He always wears a serious expression during meetings. (他在会议期间总是一脸严肃。)
- The color of the dress wears well with her complexion. (这件裙子的颜色与她的肤色搭配得很好。)
- She loves to wear bright colors in the summer. (夏天她喜欢穿亮色的衣服。)
- He accidentally wore his shirt inside out. (他不小心把衬衫穿反了。)
- The old coat is showing signs of wear and tear. (那件旧大衣显示出了磨损的迹象。)
- She decided to wear a traditional dress for the cultural festival. (她决定在文化节上穿传统服装。)
- The shoes wear out quickly if you don't take care of them. (如果不好好保养,这些鞋子会很快磨损。)
- He will wear a suit and tie to the job interview. (他会穿西装和领带去面试。)
- The constant friction caused the paint to wear off. (持续的摩擦导致了油漆的磨损。)
- She likes to wear minimal makeup for a natural look. (她喜欢淡妆,追求自然的外观。)
- The fabric wears well and doesn't easily wrinkle. (这种面料耐穿且不容易起皱。)
- He always wears a hat to protect his head from the sun. (他总是戴帽子,保护头部免受太阳曝晒。)