- He slept like a log on the comfortable bed.
- 他在舒适的床上睡得很香。
- She changed the bed sheets and pillowcases.
- 她换了床单和枕套。
- The miners work thousands of feet below the bed of the river.
- 矿工们在河床下数千英尺的地方工作。
- The river eroded the bed and changed its course.
- 河水侵蚀了河床并改变了流向。
- This experiment forms the bed of our research.
- 这个实验构成了我们研究的基础。
- She planted beautiful flowers in the flower bed.
- 她在花坛里种了漂亮的花。
- He sat on the bed edge, lost in thought.
- 他坐在床边,陷入沉思。
- The painting depicted a man and woman lying naked on a bed.
- 这幅画描绘了一男一女赤裸躺在床上。
bed (noun)
- A bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep.
- The bed of a river or lake is the ground that is at the bottom of it.
- The bed of a garden or flower bed is the ground that you plant flowers in.
- The bed of a truck or pick-up is the open part where you can put things.
bed (verb)
- If you bed something, you put it into a bed or place it carefully and securely in position.
- If you bed a plant, you plant it in the ground.
- If something is bedded in a particular thing, it is fixed into it or placed on it firmly and deeply.
bed (noun)
- A bed is a piece of furniture for sleeping on.
- The bottom of a river, lake, or sea is referred to as the bed.
- The bottom of a garden or flower bed is the ground that you plant flowers in.
- The flat surface on which a railway track, road, or building is constructed is called a bed.
bed (verb)
- If you bed a plant, you put it into the ground.
- If something is bedded in a particular substance, it is fixed firmly in that substance.
1. make the bed: 整理床铺
2. get out of bed: 起床
3. go to bed: 上床睡觉
4. go to bed with: 和某人发生性关系
5. put to bed: 安排入睡
- He slept like a log on the comfortable bed.
- 他在舒适的床上睡得很香。
- She changed the bed sheets and pillowcases.
- 她换了床单和枕套。
- The miners work thousands of feet below the bed of the river.
- 矿工们在河床下数千英尺的地方工作。
- The river eroded the bed and changed its course.
- 河水侵蚀了河床并改变了流向。
- This experiment forms the bed of our research.
- 这个实验构成了我们研究的基础。
- She planted beautiful flowers in the flower bed.
- 她在花坛里种了漂亮的花。
- He sat on the bed edge, lost in thought.
- 他坐在床边,陷入沉思。
- The painting depicted a man and woman lying naked on a bed.
- 这幅画描绘了一男一女赤裸躺在床上。
- Bed and bedding are both used for sleeping.
- 床和床上用品都是用来睡觉的。
- She put the baby in the cot and sang a lullaby.
- 她把婴儿放进小床里唱起了摇篮曲。
- He bought a new mattress for his bed.
- 他给床买了一个新的床垫。
- The soldiers slept in narrow bunks in the barrack.
- 士兵们在兵营里的狭窄铺位上睡觉。
- The baby fell asleep in the comfortable cradle.
- 婴儿在舒适的摇篮里睡着了。
- The children sat on the sofa in the living room.
- 孩子们坐在客厅的沙发上。
- He sat on the chair and read a book.
- 他坐在椅子上读书。
- She placed the cup on the table and went to answer the phone.
- 她把杯子放在桌子上去接电话了。
- He makes his bed every morning before going to work.
- 他每天早上去上班前都整理床铺。
- She got out of bed and walked to the window.
- 她起床走到窗前。
- It's time to go to bed and get some rest.
- 是时候去睡觉休息了。
- He decided to go to bed with his girlfriend.
- 他决定和女友发生性关系。
- She put the baby to bed and sang a lullaby.
- 她哄睡了婴儿并唱起了摇篮曲。