hookup- 连接的;联接的
hookup- 连接;联接
- 约会;一夜情
1. 连接;联接
2. 约会;一夜情
1. gas hookup:煤气接口
2. water hookup:自来水连接处
3. electrical hookup:电源接口
4. sewer hookup:下水道连接
connection, link, coupling
disconnect, separation
hookup (noun)
- the connection between a supply of something and its user, or a connection between two pieces of equipment
- the arrangement and connection of parts, circuits, etc. in a radio, telephone system, network of radio stations, etc.
- an instance of meeting or having sex with someone you have just met, or of establishing a casual sexual relationship with them
hookup (noun)
- a connection to a public electric, gas, or water supply, or to a telephone line, or the act of making this connection
- an instance of meeting or having sex with someone you have just met or do not have a romantic relationship with
The RV has full hookup for electricity and water. (名词)
We need to hookup the new printer to the network. (动词)
- He managed to get a hookup at the last minute and joined the conference call. (他设法在最后一分钟加入了电话会议。)
- The campground provides hookups for water and electricity. (露营地提供自来水和电源连接。)
- I had a hookup with someone from the party last night. (我昨晚和派对上的某人约会了。)
- She's looking for a casual hookup rather than a serious relationship. (她想找个偶尔的约会对象,而不是一段认真的关系。)
- Make sure to check the hookup before plugging in the cables. (在插入电缆之前,一定要检查连接。)
- The college dormitories have hookups for internet and cable TV. (大学宿舍配有互联网和有线电视接口。)
- We need to set up a new gas hookup for the kitchen stove. (我们需要给厨房炉子安装一个新的煤气接口。)
- He claimed to have a hookup with a famous celebrity, but no one believed him. (他声称和一位著名名人有联系,但没有人相信他。)
- She regretted her decision to have a hookup with a stranger she met at the bar. (她后悔和在酒吧认识的陌生人发生关系。)
- The RV park offers full hookups for water, electricity, and sewage. (房车公园提供自来水、电力和污水接口。)
- They decided to have a hookup without any strings attached. (他们决定有一次没有任何约束的约会。)
- He spent the weekend installing a new electrical hookup in the workshop. (他花了一个周末在车间安装一个新的电源接口。)
- She met him at a party and they had a hookup that night. (她在派对上认识了他,当晚他们发生了关系。)
- The hookup between the computer and the printer was not working properly. (计算机和打印机之间的连接有问题。)
- They had a hookup while on vacation, but decided not to pursue a long-distance relationship. (他们在度假期间有过一次约会,但决定不继续远距离关系。)
- He installed a new water hookup for the outdoor shower. (他为户外淋浴装了一个新的自来水接口。)
- She met him through a dating app and they had a hookup on their first date. (她通过一款约会应用认识了他们,在第一次约会时发生了关系。)
- The hookup between the cable box and the TV was loose, causing a poor signal. (电视机和有线电视盒之间的连接松动,导致信号不佳。)
- They agreed to have a hookup without any expectations of a serious relationship. (他们同意有一次没有任何期望的约会。)
- The campground has full hookups for RVs, including water, electricity, and sewage. (露营地为房车提供自来水、电力和污水接口。)