1. 名词
activist [ˈæktɪvɪst]
1.1 (政治、社会等方面的)积极分子,活动家
1.2 (尤指政治上的)激进分子
activist, campaigner, reformer
- activist:指积极投身于某种事业或运动的人,强调他们的行动和参与。
- campaigner:泛指参与运动或行动的人,强调他们的持续参与和奋斗。
- reformer:指寻求改革的人,强调他们致力于推动制度或社会的变革。
environmental activist 环保活动家
human rights activist 人权活动家
political activist 政治活动家
social activist 社会活动家
campaigner, protester, advocate, organizer
passivist, passive person
2. 形容词
activist [ækˈtɪvɪst]
《柯林斯词典》(Collins English Dictionary)
activist [NOUN]
1. An activist is a person who works to bring about political or social changes by campaigning in public or working for an organization with particular aims.
2. Activists are people who are involved in activities that are intended to achieve political or social change, for example by campaigning in public or working for an organization with particular aims.
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionaries)
activist [NOUN]
1. A person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.
2. A person who is involved in activism.
- She has been an activist for women's rights for over a decade. (她已经成为妇女权益的积极分子超过十年了。)
- The activist group organized a protest against racial discrimination. (这个活动组织组织了一场反对种族歧视的抗议活动。)
- He became a political activist after witnessing the corruption in the government. (在目睹了政府的腐败之后,他成为了一名政治活动家。)
- The environmental activist chained herself to a tree to protest against deforestation. (这位环保活动家将自己锁链在一棵树上,抗议砍伐森林。)
- The activists organized a march to raise awareness about climate change. (这些积极分子组织了一次行进活动,提高人们对气候变化的认识。)
- He is a dedicated campaigner for animal rights. (他是一位致力于动物权益的活动家。)
- The protesters gathered outside the government building demanding justice. (抗议者们聚集在政府大楼外要求公正。)
- As an advocate for education reform, she fought for better resources for schools. (作为教育改革的倡导者,她为学校争取更好的资源。)
- He has been an organizer of social movements since his youth. (他从年轻时起就一直是社会运动的组织者。)
- The passivist criticized the activist's aggressive methods. (反对战争的人批评了活动家的激进手法。)
- She is known for her passive nature and rarely engages in activism. (她以她的被动性格著称,很少参与活动。)
- The activist groups are calling for an end to police brutality. (这些积极分子团体呼吁结束警察暴行。)
- The activist organization aims to promote equality for marginalized communities. (这个活动组织旨在促进边缘社群的平等。)
- She became an activist after experiencing firsthand the injustices in society. (在亲身经历社会的不公之后,她成为了一名积极分子。)
- The activists were arrested for their participation in the protest. (这些积极分子因参与抗议活动而被逮捕。)
- He is known for his activism in advocating for LGBTQ+ rights. (他以为LGBTQ+权益辩护的行动主义而闻名。)
- She has been a tireless activist fighting for workers' rights. (她一直是一位不知疲倦的活动家,为工人权益而战。)
- The activist movement gained momentum and attracted widespread support. (这个活动运动获得了势头,并吸引了广泛的支持。)
- He is an activist who believes in the power of grassroots organizing. (他是一个相信基层组织力量的积极分子。)
- The activists vowed to continue their fight for justice. (这些积极分子发誓要继续为正义而战。)
- She has dedicated her life to being an activist for indigenous rights. (她将自己的一生献给了成为土著权益的积极分子。)