1. 按字母顺序的,字母表的 - 英文解释:arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet - 词语辨析:chronological(按时间顺序的);numerical(按数字顺序的) - 词汇扩充:alphabetical order(字母顺序) - 近义词:alphabetic - 反义词:non-alphabetical - 柯林斯词典:arranged according to the sequence of the letters of the alphabet - 牛津词典:arranged in the traditional order of the letters of the alphabet名词
1. 字母表 - 英文解释:a system of letters by which written languages can be represented - 词语辨析:spelling(拼写) - 词汇扩充:alphabetical order(字母顺序) - 近义词:alphabet - 反义词:non-alphabetical - 柯林斯词典:the alphabet is the set of letters in a fixed order which is used for writing a language - 牛津词典:a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language词语辨析
- alphabetical:按字母顺序的,字母表的,强调按字母表顺序排列; - alphabetic:按字母表顺序的,强调按字母表顺序排列,与alphabetical可互换使用,但常用于更具体的描述。词汇扩充
- alphabetical order:字母顺序,按照字母表的顺序排列事物的方式。近义词
- alphabetic:按字母表顺序的反义词
- non-alphabetical:非按字母顺序的柯林斯词典
- 形容词:arranged according to the sequence of the letters of the alphabet - 名词:the alphabet is the set of letters in a fixed order which is used for writing a language牛津词典
- 形容词:arranged in the traditional order of the letters of the alphabet - 名词:a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, used to represent the basic sounds of a language用法
- The words in the dictionary are listed in alphabetical order. 字典中的单词按字母顺序排列。 - Please sort these names in alphabetical order. 请按字母顺序排列这些名字。例句
- His personal library was arranged in alphabetical order. 他的个人图书馆按字母顺序排列。
- The index is organized alphabetically to help readers find information quickly. 索引按字母顺序组织,以帮助读者快速查找信息。
- I need to look up the word in the alphabetical list. 我需要在字母表中查找这个单词。
- Please fill in the form with your details in alphabetical order. 请按字母顺序填写表格中的个人资料。
- The names are listed alphabetically from A to Z. 这些名字按字母顺序从A到Z排列。
- The books on the shelf are arranged alphabetically. 书架上的书按字母顺序排列。
- In the alphabetical index, you can find the page numbers for specific topics. 在字母索引中,你可以找到特定主题的页码。
- Please put the files in alphabetical order. 请按字母顺序放置文件。
- The directory lists all employees alphabetically by last name. 目录按姓氏的字母顺序列出了所有员工。
- The words in this glossary are arranged alphabetically. 这个词汇表中的单词按字母顺序排列。
- The names of the winners were announced alphabetically. 获奖者的名字按字母顺序宣布。
- Please find your name in the alphabetical list of participants. 请在参与者的字母表中找到你的名字。
- The list of ingredients is organized alphabetically. 配料表按字母顺序组织。
- Please file these documents in alphabetical order. 请按字母顺序归档这些文件。
- The contacts in my phone are sorted alphabetically by last name. 我手机上的联系人按姓氏的字母顺序排序。
- The names on the guest list are listed alphabetically. 客人名单上的名字按字母顺序列出。
- The dictionary provides alphabetical definitions for each word. 这本词典为每个单词提供了按字母顺序的定义。
- The index is organized alphabetically to facilitate easy access. 为了方便查找,索引按字母顺序组织。
- Students are required to arrange the terms alphabetically in their glossary. 学生需要按字母顺序将术语排列在他们的词汇表中。
- The playlist is sorted alphabetically by song title. 播放列表按歌曲标题按字母顺序排序。