1. 有理想的;追求理想的
2. 唯心主义的
1. 理想主义者
- optimistic(乐观的):指对未来充满信心,相信事情会变得更好。
- utopian(乌托邦的):指对于完美社会或理想状态的幻想和追求。
- visionary(有远见的):指对未来发展有独特见解和想象力的人。
- naive(天真的):指缺乏经验和世故,容易相信别人或事物的好意和真实性。
- idealism(理想主义):指追求理想,相信人类的行为能达到完美的一种哲学思想。
- idealize(理想化):指将人或事物想象为非常完美或理想化的状态。
- idealist(理想主义者):指追求理想和完美的人。
- idealistically(理想主义地):指以理想主义的观点或态度看待事物。
- idealization(理想化):指将人或事物描述得非常完美或理想化的行为。
optimistic, utopian, visionary, romantic
cynical, pessimistic, realistic, pragmatic
idealistic (adjective): If you describe someone as idealistic, you mean that they have ideals, and base their behaviour on these ideals, even though this may be impractical. (如果你形容某人是idealistic,你的意思是他们有理想,并以这些理想为基础行事,尽管这可能是不切实际的。)
idealistic (adjective): Believing that very good things can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely to others. (相信非常好的事情可以实现,尤其是在其他人认为不太可能时。)
1. The young couple was filled with idealistic dreams of changing the world for the better.
2. He has an idealistic view of love and relationships, always expecting perfection.
3. Many politicians start out with idealistic intentions, but eventually compromise their beliefs for power.
4. The film portrays a group of idealistic rebels fighting against a corrupt government.
5. She was criticized for being too idealistic and not understanding the realities of the situation.
6. Despite facing numerous challenges, he remained idealistic and never lost hope.
7. The novel explores the clash between idealism and reality in a complex and thought-provoking way.
8. She idealizes her favorite celebrity, believing they can do no wrong.
- The young couple was filled with idealistic dreams of changing the world for the better.
这对年轻夫妇充满了改变世界变得更美好的理想主义梦想。 - He has an idealistic view of love and relationships, always expecting perfection.
他对爱情和人际关系有着理想主义的观点,总是期待完美。 - Many politicians start out with idealistic intentions, but eventually compromise their beliefs for power.
许多政治家最初怀有理想主义的意图,但最终为了权力而妥协了他们的信念。 - The film portrays a group of idealistic rebels fighting against a corrupt government.
这部电影描绘了一群理想主义的叛军与腐败的政府作斗争。 - She was criticized for being too idealistic and not understanding the realities of the situation.
她因过于理想主义而受到批评,不了解情况的现实性。 - Despite facing numerous challenges, he remained idealistic and never lost hope.
尽管面临许多挑战,他始终保持着理想主义,从未失去希望。 - The novel explores the clash between idealism and reality in a complex and thought-provoking way.
这部小说以复杂而发人深省的方式探索了理想主义与现实之间的冲突。 - She idealizes her favorite celebrity, believing they can do no wrong.
她将她最喜欢的名人理想化,认为他们没有任何错误。 - His idealistic nature led him to pursue a career in social activism.
他理想主义的天性使他追求了一份社会活动的职业。 - The idealistic students organized a protest against unfair tuition hikes.
理想主义的学生组织了一次反对不公平学费上涨的抗议活动。 - She joined the NGO out of her idealistic desire to make a difference in the world.
她出于自己改变世界的理想愿望加入了这个非政府组织。 - His idealistic vision for the company inspired his employees to work harder.
他对公司的理想愿景激发了员工更加努力工作。 - The politician's idealism resonated with the voters, who were tired of corruption.
这位政治家的理想主义与厌倦了腐败的选民产生共鸣。 - She was accused of being naive and idealistic for believing in the promises of the politician.
她因为相信政治家的承诺而被指责为天真和理想主义。 - Despite the challenges, the architect remained idealistic in his pursuit of innovative designs.
尽管面临挑战,这位建筑师在追求创新设计中保持着理想主义。 - The documentary highlights the idealistic efforts of grassroots organizations to combat climate change.
这部纪录片突出了基层组织为应对气候变化所做的理想主义努力。 - His idealistic beliefs about equality clashed with the realities of a deeply divided society.
他对平等的理想信念与一个严重分裂的社会的现实产生了冲突。 - The idealistic leader inspired his team with his vision of a better future.
这位理想主义的领导者以对更美好未来的愿景激励着他的团队。 - She was disappointed to discover that her idealistic expectations of college life were far from reality.
她发现她对大学生活的理想预期与现实相差甚远,感到失望。 - His idealistic nature often led him to trust people too easily.
他理想主义的天性常常使他过于容易相信别人。 - The activist's idealism motivated her to fight for social justice.