1. acknowledgment (不可数名词)
1) 承认;认可;确认;鸣谢
2) (信函等的)回执;收到回信通知
3) 对某事物的感谢或致意
1. acknowledged (形容词)
1) 公认的;承认的;被普遍接受的
2) 被认可的;被鸣谢的
1. acknowledge (动词):承认;确认;鸣谢
2. acknowledgedly (副词):公认地;不容置疑地
1. recognition (名词):认可;承认;鉴别
2. appreciation (名词):感激;欣赏;领会
3. gratitude (名词):感激;谢意;感谢
4. confirmation (名词):确认;证实;批准
1. denial (名词):否认;拒绝;否定
2. rejection (名词):拒绝;排斥;抛弃
3. disapproval (名词):不赞成;非难;不批准
Acknowledgment (名词)
1) The acknowledgment of a fact, situation, or quality is the acceptance or admission of it.
2) If you show your acknowledgment of something, you show that you accept or appreciate it.
3) An acknowledgment is a letter or message to say that something has been received.
Acknowledgment (名词)
1) The action of showing that one has noticed or recognized someone or something.
2) Acceptance of the truth or existence of something.
3) A statement printed at the end of a book or in a film acknowledging the contributions of others.
1. I received an acknowledgment for my donation to the charity.
2. The government's acknowledgment of the problem was long overdue.
3. She wrote a letter of acknowledgment to thank them for their support.
4. His acknowledged expertise in the field made him a sought-after speaker.
5. The employee's hard work was acknowledged by a promotion.
6. The company sent an acknowledgment to confirm receipt of the order.
7. The acknowledgment of her achievements brought tears to her eyes.
8. The author expressed his acknowledgment to the research assistants in the book's preface.
9. The letter included a receipt acknowledgment to verify that the package had been delivered.
10. The committee's decision was met with widespread acknowledgment.
11. The organization's acknowledgment of the volunteers' efforts boosted morale.
12. The acknowledgment of their contribution was a great honor.
13. I appreciate your acknowledgment of my hard work.
14. The acknowledgment of the problem is the first step toward finding a solution.
15. The company's acknowledgment of the issue was swift.
16. She received an acknowledgment of her complaint within 24 hours.
17. The acknowledgment letter expressed gratitude for the generous donation.
18. The artist's acknowledgment of her influences was evident in her work.
19. The book includes an acknowledgment section that recognizes the contributions of various individuals.
20. The acknowledgment of his mistake was sincere and heartfelt.