- Agreement (noun): 1. The state of having the same opinion or belief; 2. A decision or arrangement made by two or more parties; 3. Harmony in grammatical form or gender, number, case, or person between words in the same construction.
- Agreement (adjective): 1. In harmony or accordance; 2. Done with shared responsibility.
- Agreement 和 Contract:两者都表示双方达成的协议,但contract通常指具有法律约束力的协议,而agreement则更广泛,可以是正式或非正式的协议。
- Agreement 和 Consent:两者都表示同意,但consent更强调被动的接受或默许,而agreement则强调双方积极达成的共识。
- Agreement 和 Understanding:两者都表示理解或共识,但understanding更侧重于双方对某一事物的共同理解,而agreement则更侧重于双方就具体事项达成的一致意见。
- Concord (noun): A formal agreement or harmony between words in grammatical form.
- Pact (noun): A formal agreement, especially between two countries or governments.
- Accord (noun): An official agreement or treaty.
- Consensus (noun): A general agreement or opinion.
- Harmony (noun): Agreement or accord.
- 1. Accord
- 2. Concurrence
- 3. Consensus
- 4. Harmony
- 5. Understanding
- 1. Disagreement
- 2. Discord
- 3. Conflict
- 4. Opposition
- 5. Dissent
Agreement (noun): An agreement is a formal decision about future action which is made by two or more countries, groups, or people.
Agreement (adjective): If people are in agreement, they have the same opinion about something.
Agreement (noun): A negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.
Agreement (adjective): In harmony or accordance.
1. "Reach an agreement" - 达成协议
2. "In agreement with" - 与...一致
3. "Mutual agreement" - 双方同意
4. "Come to an agreement" - 达成共识
5. "Subject to agreement" - 经协商后
6. "Enter into an agreement" - 订立协议
7. "Break an agreement" - 违反协议
8. "Formal agreement" - 正式协议
9. "Written agreement" - 书面协议
10. "Verbal agreement" - 口头协议
- We have reached an agreement on the terms of the contract. (我们就合同条款达成了协议。)
- Both parties are in agreement regarding the new policy. (双方对于新政策持有一致意见。)
- The agreement between the two countries will promote economic cooperation. (两国之间的协议将促进经济合作。)
- There is a lack of agreement on how to solve the issue. (对于如何解决问题缺乏共识。)
- The agreement stipulates that payment must be made within 30 days. (协议规定支付必须在30天内完成。)
- They are in complete agreement with the proposed changes. (他们完全同意所提出的变更。)
- The two parties have come to an agreement after lengthy negotiations. (经过长时间的谈判,双方达成了协议。)
- The agreement was signed by both parties involved. (协议由涉及方双方签署。)
- We are waiting for their agreement before proceeding. (在继续之前,我们正在等待他们的同意。)
- The company and the union have reached a mutual agreement on salary increases. (公司和工会就工资增加达成了共识。)
- There is a lack of agreement among the members of the committee. (委员会成员之间缺乏共识。)
- The verbal agreement made during the meeting is not legally binding. (会议期间达成的口头协议没有法律约束力。)
- They have a formal agreement in place to share resources. (他们已经达成了正式的共享资源协议。)
- Both sides are trying to avoid a conflict and find an agreement. (双方都试图避免冲突,寻求达成协议。)
- The agreement reached between the two parties is legally binding. (双方达成的协议具有法律约束力。)
- We need to come to an agreement on the terms of the contract. (我们需要就合同条款达成一致。)
- They are in full agreement with the proposed plan. (他们完全同意所提出的计划。)
- After much discussion, they finally reached an agreement. (经过多次讨论,他们最终达成了协议。)
- The agreement between the two countries has been signed and sealed. (两国之间的协议已经签署并封存。)
- The agreement was broken due to a breach of trust. (协议因违反信任而被破坏。)
- She nodded in agreement with his statement. (她对他的陈述点头表示赞同。)