1. 避孕套
- A condom is a thin rubber covering which a man can wear on his penis as a contraceptive or as protection against sexually transmitted diseases during sexual intercourse. (Collins Dictionary)
- A condom is a thin rubber covering that a man can wear on his penis to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant or to protect against disease during sex. (Oxford Dictionary)
2. (口语)防护罩,防护套
- A condom is also a rubber covering that is used to protect something such as a microphone from water or to prevent the spread of diseases. (Collins Dictionary)
- A condom is also a covering made of rubber that is worn over a microphone or a piece of machinery to protect it from water or dirt. (Oxford Dictionary)
1. 防护的,保护的
- If something is condom, it provides protection against something unpleasant or dangerous. (Collins Dictionary)
- Condom is used to describe objects or products that are designed to provide protection against something unpleasant or dangerous. (Oxford Dictionary)
- "避孕套"和"(口语)防护罩,防护套"是condom作为名词的两个常见意义。
- "防护的,保护的"是condom作为形容词的常见意义。
- 避孕套: contraceptive sheath, prophylactic
- 防护罩: protective cover, shield, guard
- 防护的: protective, safeguarding, preserving
- 避孕套: 避孕膜 (contraceptive film), 避孕器具 (contraceptive device)
- 避孕套: 怀孕 (pregnancy), 传染病 (infectious disease)
- Definition: A condom is a thin rubber covering which a man can wear on his penis as a contraceptive or as protection against sexually transmitted diseases during sexual intercourse.
- Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
- Definition: A condom is a thin rubber covering that a man can wear on his penis to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant or to protect against disease during sex.
- Synonyms: rubber, sheath, protective covering
- Would you like me to buy some condoms for us?
- Remember to use a condom to protect yourself from STDs.
- The equipment is covered with a protective condom to prevent damage.
He always carries a condom in his wallet, just in case. (他总是随身携带一只避孕套,以备不时之需。)
They emphasized the importance of using condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies. (他们强调使用避孕套以预防意外怀孕的重要性。)
Make sure to place a protective condom on the microphone before going on stage. (上台前确保在麦克风上套上防护罩。)
The new smartphones come with a waterproof condom to protect them from water damage. (新款智能手机配有防水套以防止水患。)
He is allergic to latex, so he cannot use latex condoms. (他对乳胶过敏,因此不能使用乳胶避孕套。)
She insisted on using a condom every time they had sex. (她坚持每次性行为都使用避孕套。)
Some people find it embarrassing to buy condoms at the store. (有些人觉得在商店购买避孕套很尴尬。)
The company provides free condoms to promote safe sex among young adults. (该公司提供免费避孕套,以促进年轻人的安全性行为。)
He decided to use a condom to reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. (他决定使用避孕套以降低感染性病的风险。)
The condom broke during intercourse, causing them to worry about possible pregnancy. (性交过程中避孕套破裂,让他们担心可能会怀孕。)
She insisted on using a condom even though she was on birth control pills. (尽管她正在使用避孕药,但她坚持使用避孕套。)
He always carries a condom in his pocket in case he meets someone he likes. (他总是随身携带一只避孕套,以防万一遇到喜欢的人。)
The condom slipped off during sex, causing them to worry about unprotected intercourse. (性交过程中避孕套滑脱,让他们担心没有采取保护措施。)
She bought a pack of condoms from the pharmacy before going on vacation. (她在去度假前从药店买了一包避孕套。)
They teach teenagers about the importance of using condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs. (他们向青少年教授使用避孕套预防意外怀孕和性病的重要性。)
The condom provides a barrier between the penis and the vagina, reducing the risk of pregnancy and disease transmission. (避孕套在阴茎和阴道之间提供了一个屏障,降低了怀孕和疾病传播的风险。)
They distribute free condoms at the health clinic to promote safe sexual practices. (他们在健康诊所免费发放避孕套,以促进安全的性行为实践。)
He bought a variety pack of condoms to try different brands and styles. (他买了一包多种类型的避孕套,以尝试不同的品牌和样式。)
She asked her partner to wear a condom to protect against STDs. (她要求她的伴侣戴上避孕套以预防性病。)
They had a discussion about using condoms as a means of contraception. (他们讨论了使用避孕套作为避孕手段的问题。)
The condom is an effective method of contraception when used correctly. (当正确使用时,避孕套是一种有效的避孕方法。)