sore [sɔːr]
1. 疼痛的;痛苦的;痛心的
2. 恼火的;生气的
sore [sɔːr]
1. 伤口;疮口
2. 痛处;痛点
3. (尤指长时间的)痛苦;痛楚
sore 和
hurt 都可以表示身体上的疼痛,但
sore 更常用于指皮肤、肌肉或其他身体组织的疼痛感。
sore 和
painful 都可以表示疼痛,但
sore 侧重于描述疼痛的感觉或状态,而
painful 则更侧重于描述引起疼痛的原因或情况。
1. sore throat 喉咙痛
2. sore eyes 眼痛
3. sore gums 牙龈疼痛
4. sore muscles 肌肉酸痛
5. sore spot 痛处
6. sore loser 愤怒失败者
7. sore point 敏感问题
8. sorely missed 非常想念
1. painful
2. aching
3. tender
1. painless
2. comfortable
1. A sore is a painful area on the body.
2. If you say that something is a sore point or a sore spot, you mean that it makes you feel angry, jealous, or upset, often because it has existed for a long time and has not been dealt with.
3. You can refer to a painful, infected area as a sore.
4. If you say that someone is a sore loser, you mean that they hate losing and show a bad attitude when they do lose.
1. If a part of your body is sore, it causes you pain and discomfort.
2. If you are sore about something, you are annoyed or angry about it.
3. If you describe someone as a sore loser, you disapprove of the fact that they get angry or upset when they lose a game or competition.
1. A raw or painful place on the body.
2. A cause or source of upset or irritation.
3. A painful or infected patch on a person's skin or inside their mouth.
1. Painful; aching.
2. Angry; resentful.
1. My throat is
sore after shouting at the concert last night. (形容词)
2. She has a
sore on her knee that won't heal. (名词)
3. The issue of their past relationship is still a
sore point for him. (名词)
4. He always gets
sore when he loses a game. (形容词)
5. Her
sore muscles were a result of intense exercise. (形容词)
1. His feet were sore after walking all day. (他的脚走了一整天后感到疼痛。)
2. The wound has become sore and needs medical attention. (伤口已经溃烂,需要医疗照顾。)
3. She is still sore about not being invited to the party. (她对没有被邀请参加聚会仍然耿耿于怀。)
4. Losing the championship made him a sore loser. (输掉冠军使他成了一个愤怒的失败者。)
5. The sore on her lip was causing her a lot of pain. (她嘴唇上的溃疡使她非常痛苦。)
6. His sore muscles prevented him from participating in the race. (他酸痛的肌肉让他无法参加比赛。)
7. The team's defeat was a sore point for the coach. (球队的失败是教练的一块心病。)
8. He always gets sore when someone criticizes his work. (每当有人批评他的工作时,他总是生气。)
9. The soreness in his shoulder was a result of lifting heavy weights. (他肩膀的疼痛是举重的结果。)
10. The soreness in her throat made it difficult to swallow. (喉咙的疼痛使她很难咽下东西。)
11. His sore eyes were a result of staring at the computer screen for too long. (他眼睛疼痛是因为长时间盯着电脑屏幕。)
12. The child cried out in pain when the doctor touched his sore spot. (当医生触摸到他的痛处时,孩子痛苦地哭了起来。)
13. Don't touch my sore, it's still healing. (不要碰我的伤口,它还在愈合。)
14. The soreness in her gums made it difficult to eat. (牙龈的疼痛使她很难进食。)
15. Losing the game was a sore point for him, and he couldn't stop thinking about it. (输掉比赛是他的痛处,他无法停止思考。)
16. She was sorely missed by her family when she moved abroad. (她离开国外时,家人非常想念她。)
17. He was sore about not being selected for the team. (他对没有被选入球队感到不满。)
18. The sore loser threw a tantrum after losing the match. (这个愤怒的失败者在输掉比赛后发脾气。)
19. The athlete's sore muscles were a result of intense training. (运动员的肌肉酸痛是训练强度太大的结果。)
20. The soreness in his back was a result of lifting heavy objects. (他背部的疼痛是搬运重物的结果。)