viable [ˈvaɪəbl] 1. 可行的,可实施的 2. 能存活的,能生存的名词
feasible, workable, practical反义词
unviable, nonviable柯林斯词典
形容词 1. If something is viable, there is a chance that it will succeed because it is practical or realistic. 例句:They are not interested in anything other than a viable business proposition. 2. Viable plants, animals, and seeds can develop and grow successfully. 例句:She was given a 50% chance of having a viable pregnancy.牛津词典
形容词 1. Capable of working successfully; feasible. 例句:The proposed investment was economically viable. 2. (of a seed or spore) Able to germinate. 例句:These seeds are still viable after 400 years.用法
1. 作为形容词使用,用于描述某事物的可行性或实施性。 2. 在生物学中,描述种子或孢子的可发芽性。例句
- It is crucial to find a viable solution to the ongoing problem. 寻找解决当前问题的可行方案至关重要。
- The company needs to come up with a viable business plan in order to secure funding. 公司需要提出一个可行的商业计划以确保融资。
- He had a viable idea for a new invention. 他有一个关于新发明的可行想法。
- After careful consideration, the team decided that the project was not viable. 经过仔细考虑,团队决定该项目不可行。
- The doctor informed us that the fetus was not viable. 医生告诉我们胎儿无法存活。
- The viability of the seeds was tested in the laboratory. 种子的可发芽性在实验室中进行了测试。
- Only a few of the eggs were viable and could be hatched. 只有少数的蛋是可行的,可以孵化。
- The researchers are studying ways to increase the viability of the endangered species. 研究人员正在研究如何增加濒危物种的生存能力。
- We need to ensure that the business idea is economically viable before investing. 在投资之前,我们需要确保这个商业理念在经济上是可行的。
- They have developed a viable alternative to plastic packaging. 他们开发出了一种可替代塑料包装的可行方案。
- The company's survival is dependent on finding a viable market for its products. 公司的生存取决于找到一个适合其产品的可行市场。
- The economic viability of the project is being questioned by experts. 专家们对该项目的经济可行性提出了质疑。
- The viability of the plan will be assessed by a team of experts. 专家团队将评估该计划的可行性。
- They are exploring different options to ensure the long-term viability of the business. 他们正在探索不同的选择,以确保企业的长期生存能力。
- The viability of the industry has been impacted by changing consumer preferences. 消费者偏好的变化对该行业的可持续发展产生了影响。
- They are working on improving the viability of renewable energy sources. 他们正在努力提高可再生能源的可行性。
- The project was deemed unviable due to budget constraints. 由于预算限制,该项目被认为是不可行的。
- The government invested in a nonviable venture, which eventually led to its failure. 政府投资了一个不可行的事业,最终导致失败。
- The company aims to turn its nonviable products into profitable ones. 公司的目标是将不可行的产品变成盈利的产品。
- The viability of the business model was questioned by potential investors. 潜在投资者对商业模式的可行性提出了质疑。
- She presented a detailed plan outlining the viability of the project. 她提出了一个详细的计划,概述了该项目的可行性。