- 细微差别
- 微妙的
- 细微的
- distinction:强调明确的差别,与其他事物或概念对比
- shade:侧重于不同程度、色调或意义的细微差别
- subtlety:指非常微妙或精细的差异
- subtlety
- subtle difference
- distinction
- shade
- fine distinction
- subtlety
- distinction
- shade
- fine distinction
nuance (noun)
1. [formal] A nuance is a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning.
2. [formal] Nuances are small details or points of difference.
nuance (noun)
1. A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
2. A subtle distinction or variation.
- She listened intently, trying to catch every nuance in his voice. 她专注地倾听,试图捕捉他声音中的每一个细微差别。
- The artist used different brushstrokes to create nuances of light and shadow. 艺术家使用不同的笔触来表现光影的细微差别。
- There are subtle nuances in the meaning of these two words. 这两个词的意义有微妙的差别。
- The director's attention to detail allowed the actors to convey the nuances of their characters. 导演对细节的关注使得演员能够传达角色的微妙之处。
- He has a good ear for the nuances of different musical instruments. 他对不同乐器的细微差别有敏锐的听觉。
- The painting captures the nuances of the changing seasons. 这幅画捕捉到了季节变化的细微差别。
- She has a talent for capturing the nuances of human emotions in her writing. 她擅长在写作中捕捉人类情感的微妙差别。
- He added a nuance of humor to his speech, making the audience laugh. 他在演讲中加入了一丝幽默,使观众笑了起来。
- The artist used different shades of blue to create a nuance of tranquility in the painting. 画家使用不同的蓝色调来表现出画作中的宁静之感。
- The novel is full of subtle nuances that require careful reading to fully appreciate. 这本小说充满了细微差别,需要仔细阅读才能完全欣赏。
- He is able to detect the smallest nuance in a person's facial expression. 他能够察觉到一个人面部表情中最微小的差别。
- The actor's performance was praised for its nuanced portrayal of the character. 这位演员的表演因对角色的细腻刻画而受到赞扬。
- She has a keen eye for the nuances of fashion trends. 她对时尚趋势的细微差别有敏锐的洞察力。
- The poem's beauty lies in its delicate nuances of language. 这首诗的美在于其语言的精致差别。
- He has a nuanced understanding of the political situation. 他对政治局势有着细致入微的理解。
- The chef's recipes are known for their nuanced flavors. 这位厨师的食谱因其细腻的口味而闻名。
- They had a long discussion about the nuances of the contract. 他们就合同的细微差别进行了长时间的讨论。
- Her painting style combines bold strokes with subtle nuances. 她的绘画风格将大胆的笔触与微妙的差别结合在一起。
- The actor's performance lacked the nuanced emotions required for the role. 这位演员的表演缺乏角色所需的细腻情感。
- He failed to grasp the nuance of the joke and didn't find it funny. 他未能领会这个笑话的细微差别,觉得不好笑。
- The poet's use of language creates nuanced imagery that resonates with readers. 诗人运用语言创造出细致微妙的意象,引起读者共鸣。