1. 有能力的;能干的
1. He is able to solve complex mathematical problems effortlessly.(他能轻松解决复杂的数学问题。)
2. She is an able leader who knows how to motivate her team.(她是一位懂得如何激励团队的优秀领导。)
2. 能够的;可以的
1. Are you able to attend the meeting tomorrow?(你明天能参加会议吗?)
2. The new software is able to detect viruses automatically.(这款新软件能够自动检测病毒。)
3. 有可能的;有希望的
1. There is still a chance that they might be able to catch the last train.(他们仍然有可能赶上最后一班火车。)
2. With hard work and dedication, anything is able.(通过努力和奉献,一切皆有可能。)
1. 能力;才干
1. His ability to speak multiple languages impressed everyone.(他能说多种语言的能力让每个人都印象深刻。)
2. The job requires strong leadership abilities.(这份工作需要强大的领导才能。)
2. 能力所及的范围
1. The company's growth has expanded their business abilities.(公司的发展扩大了他们的业务能力。)
2. We should always strive to push our abilities to the limit.(我们应该始终努力将自己的能力推向极限。)
1. capable:指某人具备某种能力或才干,能够胜任特定的任务或职责。
2. competent:指某人在特定领域内有足够的知识、技能和经验,能够胜任工作或任务。
3. skillful:指某人具备高超的技能或技巧,熟练地运用在特定领域中。
4. talented:指某人天生具备某种特殊才能或能力,擅长特定的领域。
1. enable:使能够,使有能力
2. disability:残疾,无能
3. disable:使丧失能力,使失去能力
4. unable:无能力的,不能的
5. capability:能力,才能
6. incapability:无能,不能
7. disabled:残疾的,丧失能力的
8. enablement:使能够,使有能力
1. capable
2. competent
3. skillful
4. talented
5. proficient
1. unable
2. disabled
3. incapable
4. inept
5. incompetent
able (adjective)
1. (usu. foll. by to + infin.) having the necessary power, skill, knowledge, means, etc., to do something or get something done.
2. clever, talented, or skilful.
3. having considerable skill or talent.
1. They are able to escape.(他们能够逃脱。)
2. She is an able pianist.(她是一位出色的钢琴家。)
able (adjective)
1. having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.
2. having considerable skill, proficiency, or intelligence.
3. (able to do something) allowed to do something.
1. She was able to read at the age of four.(她四岁就能阅读。)
2. The team is able to win the championship.(这支队伍有能力赢得冠军。)
1. be able to:表示能力,意为“能够”、“有能力”。
1. I will be able to finish the project on time.(我能够按时完成这个项目。)
2. He was able to solve the puzzle easily.(他能够轻易解决这个谜题。)
2. be able to与can的区别:be able to在某些情况下可以取代can,但be able to的语气更正式,can更通用。
1. I can swim.(我会游泳。)
2. I am able to swim.(我会游泳。)
- She is able to solve complex mathematical problems effortlessly.(她能轻松解决复杂的数学问题。)
- He is an able leader who knows how to motivate his team.(他是一位懂得如何激励团队的优秀领导。)
- Are you able to attend the meeting tomorrow?(你明天能参加会议吗?)
- The new software is able to detect viruses automatically.(这款新软件能够自动检测病毒。)
- There is still a chance that they might be able to catch the last train.(他们仍然有可能赶上最后一班火车。)
- With hard work and dedication, anything is able.(通过努力和奉献,一切皆有可能。)
- His ability to speak multiple languages impressed everyone.(他能说多种语言的能力让每个人都印象深刻。)
- The job requires strong leadership abilities.(这份工作需要强大的领导才能。)
- The company's growth has expanded their business abilities.(公司的发展扩大了他们的业务能力。)
- We should always strive to push our abilities to the limit.(我们应该始终努力将自己的能力推向极限。)
- She is a capable engineer who can handle complex projects.(她是一位能够处理复杂项目的能干工程师。)
- He is a competent lawyer with extensive knowledge of the law.(他是一位对法律有广泛了解的称职律师。)
- The skillful chef prepared a delicious meal.(熟练的厨师准备了一顿美味的饭菜。)
- She is a talented singer with a beautiful voice.(她是一位拥有美妙嗓音的有才华的歌手。)
- He is proficient in several programming languages.(他精通几种编程语言。)
- He is unable to attend the meeting due to a prior commitment.(由于之前的安排,他无法参加会议。)
- The accident left him disabled and unable to walk.(事故导致他残疾,无法行走。)
- She is incapable of handling the pressure of the job.(她无法承受这份工作的压力。)
- His ineptitude in handling the situation resulted in a failure.(他对处理该情况的无能导致了失败。)
- He is an incompetent manager who lacks leadership skills.(他是一位缺乏领导才能的无能经理。)