1. 降低的,减少的。
2. 衰退的,下降的。
1. 减少,降低。
2. 下降,衰退。
1. decrease by:减少了。
2. decrease in:减少。
3. gradual decrease:逐渐减少。
4. rapid decrease:迅速减少。
diminish, reduce, lower, lessen
increase, rise, grow, expand, enlarge
decrease (verb, noun)
1. If something decreases, or if you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
2. A decrease in something is a reduction in it.
3. If there is a decrease in something, it becomes smaller in quantity, size, or intensity.
decrease (verb, noun)
1. Become or make smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
2. A reduction in the size, amount, or intensity of something.
1. The company has seen a steady decrease in profits over the past year.
2. The government's new policies aim to decrease unemployment rates.
3. There has been a noticeable decrease in crime in this area since the installation of security cameras.
4. The decrease in temperature during the winter months can be quite drastic.
5. The decrease of population in rural areas has led to the decline of local schools.
6. The environmental organization is working to decrease pollution levels in the city.
7. The decrease in the value of the currency has affected international trade.
8. The government implemented measures to decrease tax burdens on low-income families.
- There has been a steady decrease in the number of students attending the school. (学校的学生人数持续减少。)
- The price of oil has experienced a significant decrease in recent months. (近几个月来,油价出现了显著下降。)
- The decrease in sales has prompted the company to reevaluate its marketing strategy. (销售额的减少促使公司重新评估其营销策略。)
- Regular exercise can help decrease the risk of heart disease. (定期锻炼可以降低患心脏病的风险。)
- The decrease in temperature is causing the leaves to change color. (温度的下降导致树叶变色。)
- We need to find ways to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels. (我们需要找到减少对化石燃料依赖的方法。)
- The government plans to decrease taxes for small businesses. (政府计划减少小企业的税收。)
- She implemented a strict diet in order to decrease her body weight. (她采取了严格的饮食来减少体重。)
- There has been a noticeable decrease in the number of accidents on this road since the speed limit was reduced. (自从限速降低以来,这条道路上的事故数量明显减少。)
- The decrease in funding has resulted in cuts to various public services. (资金的减少导致了对各种公共服务的削减。)
- He experienced a decrease in motivation after facing repeated failures. (在屡次失败后,他的动力有所下降。)
- The decrease in population has led to the closure of several schools in the area. (人口的减少导致该地区有几所学校关闭。)
- Regular exercise can help decrease stress levels. (定期锻炼可以帮助减轻压力水平。)
- The decrease in interest rates has made it more affordable for people to buy houses. (利率的下降使得人们更容易购买房屋。)
- She made efforts to decrease her carbon footprint by using public transportation. (她努力通过使用公共交通工具减少碳足迹。)
- The decrease in demand for the product resulted in layoffs at the factory. (对该产品需求的减少导致了工厂的裁员。)
- The government is implementing measures to decrease air pollution in the city. (政府正在实施措施来减少城市的空气污染。)
- The decrease in oil prices has had a positive impact on the economy. (油价的下降对经济产生了积极影响。)
- He decided to decrease his workload in order to spend more time with his family. (他决定减少工作量,以便更多陪伴家人。)
- The company is looking for ways to decrease production costs without sacrificing quality. (该公司正在寻找减少生产成本但不损害质量的方法。)
- There has been a gradual decrease in the number of smokers in recent years. (近年来,吸烟者的数量逐渐减少。)