- nerd: 书呆子,宅男(指对科学或学术极度痴迷,缺乏社交技巧的人)
- nerdy: 书呆子的,宅男的
nerdiness: 书呆子气质
nerd culture: 书呆子文化
nerdiness and social awkwardness: 书呆子气质和社交不灵活
geek, dork, egghead, intellectual
cool person, social butterfly
nerd (noun): If you say that someone is a nerd, you mean that they are stupid or ridiculous, especially because they wear unfashionable clothes or show too much interest in computers or science fiction.
nerd (noun): A foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.
1. John is such a nerd. He spends all his free time playing video games and reading comic books. (约翰真是个书呆子,他所有的空闲时间都花在玩电子游戏和看漫画书上。)
2. She may seem nerdy, but she's actually a genius when it comes to math. (她看起来可能有些书呆子,但她在数学方面实际上是个天才。)
3. Don't be such a nerd! It's just a movie, not a science lecture. (别那么书呆子!这只是一部电影,不是科学讲座。)
4. He's always been a bit of a nerd, but he's really into fashion now. (他一直有点书呆子气,但现在他对时尚很感兴趣。)
5. I used to be a nerd in high school, but now I'm much more confident and outgoing. (我高中时是个书呆子,但现在我变得更自信和外向了。)
6. Being a nerd has its advantages. You never get bored because there's always something interesting to learn. (成为一个书呆子也有它的好处。你永远不会感到无聊,因为总有一些有趣的事情可以学习。)
7. The nerdiness of the character in the show is what makes him relatable to so many people. (这个节目中角色的书呆子气质是他能引起这么多人共鸣的原因。)
8. I don't care if people think I'm a nerd. I embrace my nerdiness and love being passionate about the things I enjoy. (我不在乎别人是否认为我是个书呆子。我接受自己的书呆子气质,喜欢对自己喜欢的事情充满激情。)
9. The school's computer club is full of nerds who love coding and programming. (学校的计算机俱乐部里充满了喜欢编码和编程的书呆子。)
10. She's a total nerd when it comes to astronomy. She can name all the planets and their moons. (当谈到天文学时,她完全就是个书呆子。她可以说出所有行星和它们的卫星的名字。)
11. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about being a nerd. Embrace your interests and be proud of who you are. (不要让任何人因为你是个书呆子而让你感到难过。拥抱你的兴趣,为自己感到骄傲。)
12. He may be a nerd, but he's the smartest person I know. (他可能是个书呆子,但他是我认识的最聪明的人。)
13. The movie portrays the main character as a lovable nerd who saves the day with his intelligence. (这部电影将主人公描绘成一个可爱的书呆子,他凭借自己的智慧拯救了这一天。)
14. Being a nerd doesn't mean you can't also be cool. Look at Mark Zuckerberg, he's a billionaire and a nerd. (成为一个书呆子并不意味着你不能变得很酷。看看马克·扎克伯格,他是个亿万富翁,也是个书呆子。)
15. I used to get made fun of for being a nerd, but now people admire my knowledge and skills. (过去因为我是个书呆子而被取笑,但现在人们都羡慕我的知识和技能。)
16. She's always been a bit of a nerd, but now she's found a group of like-minded people who appreciate her for who she is. (她一直有点书呆子气,但现在她找到了一群志同道合的人,他们欣赏她的本真。)
17. I don't understand why people use "nerd" as an insult. Being smart and passionate about something is a good thing. (我不明白为什么人们用“书呆子”作为一种侮辱。聪明并对某事充满激情是一件好事。)
18. The stereotypical image of a nerd is someone with thick glasses, a pocket protector, and messy hair. (书呆子的刻板形象是戴着厚眼镜、口袋装有笔袋的人,头发凌乱。)
19. Don't judge someone based on their appearance. Just because they look like a nerd doesn't mean they aren't cool or interesting. (不要以貌取人。仅仅因为他们看起来像个书呆子,并不意味着他们不酷或无趣。)
20. The rise of nerd culture has led to a greater acceptance and appreciation of intellectual pursuits. (书呆子文化的兴起导致了对知识追求的更大接受和欣赏。)