中英词典 - "joke"
1. 笑话 - 中文解释:说给引起笑声或娱乐的故事或言论。 - 英文解释:A story or remark meant to cause laughter or amusement. - 例句: - 他讲了个很有趣的笑话。 - He told a very funny joke. 2. 玩笑 - 中文解释:一种开玩笑或戏弄别人的行为。 - 英文解释:An act of joking or teasing someone. - 例句: - 请别开这种玩笑,这很不合适。 - Please don't make this kind of joke, it's not appropriate. 3. 笑料 - 中文解释:用于搞笑或引起笑声的素材。 - 英文解释:Material used for laughs or to provoke laughter. - 例句: - 这个节目有很多好笑的笑料。 - This show has a lot of funny jokes.形容词
1. 笑话的 - 中文解释:与笑话相关的,属于笑话的。 - 英文解释:Related to or characteristic of a joke. - 例句: - 他的笑话表演非常出色。 - His joke performance was excellent. 2. 玩笑的 - 中文解释:与玩笑或戏弄相关的。 - 英文解释:Related to or characteristic of joking or teasing. - 例句: - 我们只是开了个玩笑,别生气。 - We were just joking, don't get angry.词语辨析
- "joke"和"funny"的区别: - "joke"指的是一种故事、言论或行为,旨在引起笑声或娱乐。它强调的是引起笑声或娱乐的效果。 - "funny"指的是令人发笑或有趣的,用于形容某事物本身具有幽默或娱乐价值。 - 例句: - 他讲了个很有趣的笑话。(He told a very funny joke.) - 他的幽默让人发笑。(His humor is funny.)词汇扩充
- 笑话(joke) - 笑料(joke material) - 玩笑(joke) - 恶作剧(prank) - 戏弄(tease) - 幽默(humor) - 可笑的(ridiculous) - 滑稽的(comical) - 俏皮话(witticism) - 笑柄(butt of a joke)近义词
- jest - gag - quip - wisecrack - prank反义词
- serious - earnest - solemn柯林斯词典
- joke (noun): A joke is something that is said or done to make you laugh, for example a funny story. - joke (verb): If you joke, you tell funny stories or say amusing things. - 例句: - He jokes a lot about his strange experiences. - I thought he was joking.牛津词典
- joke (noun): A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. - joke (verb): Make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly. - 例句: - She laughed appreciatively at his joke. - They were just joking with you.用法
- "joke"作为名词的用法: - I heard a funny joke yesterday. - That was a good joke. - "joke"作为动词的用法: - He likes to joke around with his friends. - Stop joking! This is serious.相关例句
- She told him a joke, but he didn't find it funny.(她给他讲了一个笑话,但他不觉得有趣。)
- He always makes everyone laugh with his jokes.(他总是用他的笑话让每个人笑。)
- Don't take it seriously, it was just a joke.(别当真,那只是个玩笑。)
- They played a practical joke on their friend by hiding his car keys.(他们捉弄了他们的朋友,把他的车钥匙藏起来了。)
- She's known for her quick wit and clever jokes.(她以机智和聪明的笑话而闻名。)
- We all laughed at his joke, it was really funny.(我们都笑了,他的笑话真的很搞笑。)
- He can always lighten the mood with a well-timed joke.(他总能用恰到好处的笑话调节气氛。)
- The comedian had the audience in stitches with his hilarious jokes.(这个喜剧演员以他的滑稽笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)
- She made a joke about his messy desk, but he didn't find it amusing.(她开了个关于他凌乱办公桌的玩笑,但他并不觉得有趣。)
- He's always cracking jokes, even in serious situations.(他总是开玩笑,即使在严肃的情况下也是如此。)
- The comedian's jokes were met with uproarious laughter from the audience.(这位喜剧演员的笑话引起了观众的哄堂大笑。)
- Playing practical jokes on April Fools' Day is a common tradition.(在愚人节开玩笑是一种常见的传统。)
- She couldn't help but laugh at his silly joke.(她忍不住笑了,他的笑话太傻了。)
- He always likes to make corny jokes that nobody finds funny.(他总是喜欢讲些无人觉得好笑的俗气笑话。)
- He's known for his dry sense of humor and deadpan delivery of jokes.(他以幽默的干燥感和面无表情地讲笑话而闻名。)
- The joke went over their heads and they didn't understand it.(他们没听懂这个笑话,它超出了他们的理解范围。)
- She's always the life of the party, telling jokes and making everyone laugh.(她总是聚会的灵魂,讲笑话让每个人笑。)
- He made a self-deprecating joke about his cooking skills.(他自嘲地开了个关于他的烹饪技巧的笑话。)
- The comedian's jokes were met with a mixed response from the audience.(这位喜剧演员的笑话引起了观众的褒贬参半的反应。)
- She's always trying to crack jokes, but most of them fall flat.(她总是试图开玩笑,但大部分都不好笑。)