名词:the act of pursuing; an activity that one engages in, typically for pleasure or interest
形容词:characterized by pursuing; engaged in or intended for pursuing
1. pursuit与search的区别:pursuit指的是一个人追求某种事物,而search指的是一个人寻找某种事物。
2. pursuit与chase的区别:pursuit强调追求的行动本身,而chase强调追捕的行动。
1. 追求幸福:pursue happiness
2. 追求梦想:pursue one's dreams
3. 追求成功:pursue success
4. 追求知识:pursue knowledge
1. chase
2. quest
3. hunt
4. search
5. exploration
- The pursuit of something is the act of trying to achieve it or find it.
- In pursuit of something means wanting to achieve it.
- A pursuit is an activity, hobby, or interest that is followed with great enthusiasm.
- Pursuit is used to describe activities or objects that are used for the purpose of catching or chasing something.
- The action of pursuing someone or something.
- A hobby, occupation, or activity that someone engages in.
- Resulting from or showing pursuit.
1. In the pursuit of knowledge, one must be willing to explore new ideas and challenge existing beliefs.
2. She has dedicated her life to the pursuit of justice for all.
3. John's pursuit of his dreams has led him to become a successful entrepreneur.
- I am in pursuit of a better life.(我追求更好的生活。)
- She gave up her career in the pursuit of happiness.(她放弃了自己的事业,追求幸福。)
- His relentless pursuit of perfection has made him one of the greatest artists of our time.(他对完美的不懈追求使他成为了我们这个时代最伟大的艺术家之一。)
- The police were in hot pursuit of the suspect.(警察正对嫌疑人进行热烈追捕。)
- In her pursuit of happiness, she traveled to different countries and experienced various cultures.(为了追求幸福,她去了不同的国家,体验了各种文化。)
- He abandoned his pursuit of fame and fortune and chose a simple life in the countryside.(他放弃了对名利的追求,选择了在乡村过简单的生活。)
- The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey.(追求知识是一生的旅程。)
- She has many different pursuits, such as painting, playing music, and hiking.(她有很多不同的爱好,比如绘画、音乐和徒步旅行。)
- The hunter was in pursuit of the elusive prey.(猎人正在追捕那个难以捉摸的猎物。)
- In the pursuit of truth, one must be open to different perspectives.(在追求真理的过程中,一个人必须对不同的观点持开放态度。)
- His pursuit of wealth and power consumed him, and he lost sight of what truly mattered in life.(他对财富和权力的追求使他沉迷其中,失去了对生活中真正重要的事物的关注。)
- The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right.(追求幸福是每个人的基本权利。)
- He engaged in a passionate pursuit of his artistic vision.(他对自己的艺术愿景进行了激情四溢的追求。)
- She abandoned her pursuit of a career in finance and decided to follow her passion for photography.(她放弃了金融职业的追求,决定追随自己对摄影的热爱。)
- The police officer was injured during the pursuit of the suspect.(警察在追捕嫌疑人的过程中受伤了。)
- He found solace in the pursuit of nature photography.(他在追求自然摄影中找到了安慰。)
- His relentless pursuit of success left him feeling empty and unfulfilled.(他对成功毫不留情的追求让他感到空虚和不满足。)
- The pursuit of happiness is a universal goal shared by people around the world.(追求幸福是全世界人们共同的目标。)
- She dedicated her life to the pursuit of social justice.(她将自己的一生都献给了对社会正义的追求。)
- In the pursuit of knowledge, one must be open to new ideas and willing to challenge existing beliefs.(在追求知识的过程中,一个人必须对新观点持开放态度,并愿意挑战现有的信念。)