frozen ['froʊz(ə)n]
- 结冰的;冻结的
- 冷冻的
- 冷漠的;冷淡的
- 冷冻食品的
- 僵硬的;固定的
- (音乐、电影等)冷淡的;僵化的
frozen ['froʊz(ə)n]
- 冻结食品;冷冻食品
- 冷冻地带
1. freeze:指使液体或物体温度达到或低于冰点;
2. frozen:指已经冻结的物体或食品,也可形容人的情感冷淡。
1. freeze up:冻结;
2. deep-frozen:极冷的;
3. defrost:解冻;
4. freeze-dry:冷冻干燥。
1. icy:冰冷的;
2. frigid:寒冷的;
3. chilled:冷冻的。
1. thawed:解冻的;
2. melted:融化的。
1. If something is frozen, it has been made very cold and is hard because of the low temperature. (adj.)
2. Frozen food has been made very cold and is sold in this state. (adj.)
3. If someone is frozen with fear, cold, or shock, they are so frightened, cold, or shocked that they cannot move or speak. (adj.)
4. Frozen is used to describe the state of a computer screen when it stops moving or responding to commands. (adj.)
5. Frozen is used to describe a situation or a system which is fixed and cannot be changed. (adj.)
6. Frozen is used to describe a style of music, literature, or art which is no longer new and does not change or develop. (adj.)
7. Frozen is used to describe food which has been preserved at a very low temperature in order to store it. (n.)
8. Frozen is used to describe land or water that is covered with ice. (n.)
1. Turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold. (adj.)
2. (of food) Preserved by freezing. (adj.)
3. (of a computer screen or program) Unable to be modified, typically by an unauthorized user. (adj.)
4. (of a moment or situation) Fixed and incapable of being changed or moved. (adj.)
5. (of a system, activity, or style) No longer new or exciting; unchanging and lacking innovation. (adj.)
6. (of a person) Lacking warmth or emotion; unfriendly or emotionally detached. (adj.)
7. A period in which normal commercial activity is suspended, especially during a strike. (n.)
8. The freezing of the surface of a river, lake, or sea. (n.)
1. Frozen is usually used to describe something that has become solid or very cold due to extreme temperatures or freezing process. It can refer to objects, food, emotions, computer screens, situations, systems, etc.
2. The noun form "frozen" refers to frozen food or frozen areas of land or water.
3. It can also be used metaphorically to describe fixed or unchanging states, such as in music, literature, or art.
4. The verb form "freeze" can be used in the phrasal verb "freeze up" to mean becoming immobilized or unable to move due to fear, cold, or shock.
- The pond was frozen solid in the winter. (池塘在冬天结冰了。)
- I bought some frozen vegetables from the supermarket. (我从超市买了一些冷冻蔬菜。)
- She was frozen with fear when she saw the snake. (她看到蛇时吓得呆若木鸡。)
- My computer froze and I had to restart it. (我的电脑死机了,我只能重启。)
- The negotiations are at a frozen stage and no progress is being made. (谈判陷入僵局,没有任何进展。)
- Her writing style has become frozen and lacks originality. (她的写作风格已经呆板且缺乏创意。)
- I need to buy some frozen for dinner. (我需要买些冷冻食品来做晚餐。) [Collins]
- The lake was covered in frozen. (湖面结冰了。) [Collins]
- The river froze over during the cold winter. (河流在严寒的冬天结冰了。) [Oxford]
- I put the frozen chicken in the fridge to defrost. (我把冷冻的鸡肉放进冰箱解冻。) [Oxford]
- Don't freeze up when you have to give a presentation. (当你需要做演讲时,不要紧张得说不出话来。)
- The company is in a frozen due to the ongoing strike. (由于持续的罢工,公司的正常运营被暂停了。)
- The child's expression was frozen as he watched the horror movie. (孩子看着这部恐怖电影时面无表情。)
- I need to defrost the frozen fish before cooking. (我需要在烹饪之前解冻这块冷冻鱼。)
- The government needs to address the frozen situation in the healthcare system. (政府需要解决医疗系统中僵化的状况。)
- The orchestra played a frozen rendition of the classical symphony. (乐团演奏了古典交响乐的僵化版本。)
- I enjoy eating frozen yogurt in the summer. (夏天我喜欢吃冷冻酸奶。)
- They went ice skating on the frozen lake. (他们在冰冻的湖面上滑冰。)
- He stared at her, his face frozen in shock. (他目瞪口呆地盯着她,脸上露出惊讶的表情。)
- After the power outage, the computer screen remained frozen. (停电后,电脑屏幕依然卡住了。)
- The conflict between the two countries has reached a frozen point. (两国之间的冲突已经到了僵持的地步。)
- Her heart felt frozen as she read the devastating news. (当她读到那令人震惊的消息时,她感到心寒。)