- 表示“和平的;安宁的”
- 表示“太平洋的;太平洋沿岸的”
- 太平洋
- 太平洋地区;太平洋沿岸地区
- 太平洋岛国
- 和平;和解
- pacifically:副词,表示“和平地;平静地”
- pacifism:名词,表示“和平主义;反对战争主义”
- pacifist:名词,表示“和平主义者;反战主义者”
peaceful, calm, tranquil
warring, turbulent, hostile
Pacific (adj.): 1. peaceful in character or intent; 2. of or concerning the Pacific Ocean; 3. of or concerned with the Pacific area; 4. (capital) of or relating to the Pacific Islands or their peoples. (n.): 1. the Pacific Ocean; 2. the Pacific area; 3. (capital) any of the languages of the Pacific Islands, including Maori, Samoan, and Hawaiian.
Pacific (adj.): 1. peaceful in character, purpose, or attitude; 2. relating to the Pacific Ocean; 3. relating to countries on or near the Pacific Ocean; 4. relating to the Pacific Islands or their peoples. (n.): the Pacific Ocean.
- The negotiations were conducted in a pacific atmosphere. (谈判在和平的氛围中进行。)
- He took a pacific approach to the conflict. (他对冲突采取了和平的态度。)
- The ship sailed across the Pacific Ocean. (船舶横渡太平洋。)
- The company has expanded its operations in the Pacific region. (该公司在太平洋地区扩大了业务。)
- We sailed across the Pacific. (我们横渡了太平洋。)
- The conference focused on economic cooperation in the Pacific. (会议关注太平洋地区的经济合作。)
- She is studying the languages of the Pacific. (她正在研究太平洋岛国的语言。)
- He is known for his pacific nature. (他以温和的性格而闻名。)
- The two countries signed a pacific treaty. (两国签署了一项和平条约。)
- The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. (太平洋是世界上最大的海洋。)
- The Pacific region is known for its beautiful beaches. (太平洋地区以其美丽的海滩而闻名。)
- The Pacific Islands are home to diverse cultures. (太平洋岛国拥有多样的文化。)
- The leaders of the two countries met to discuss pacific solutions to the conflict. (两国领导人会晤讨论解决冲突的和平方案。)
- We enjoyed a pacific sunset on the beach. (我们在海滩上欣赏了宁静的日落。)
- She dreams of sailing across the Pacific Ocean. (她梦想着横渡太平洋。)
- Many countries in the Pacific region rely on tourism for their economy. (太平洋地区的许多国家依赖旅游业发展经济。)
- He is fluent in several Pacific languages. (他精通几种太平洋岛国的语言。)
- The Pacific Rim countries are experiencing rapid economic growth. (太平洋沿岸国家正在经历快速的经济增长。)
- The pacific resolution of the conflict was welcomed by both sides. (冲突的和平解决得到了双方的欢迎。)
- The ship embarked on a journey across the Pacific. (船只开始了一段横渡太平洋的旅程。)
- They discussed the environmental challenges facing the Pacific area. (他们讨论了太平洋地区面临的环境挑战。)
- The Pacific Islanders have a rich cultural heritage. (太平洋岛国民族拥有丰富的文化遗产。)
- His pacific demeanor helped diffuse the tension in the room. (他平和的举止有助于缓解房间里的紧张气氛。)
- The company operates several resorts in the Pacific region. (该公司在太平洋地区经营着几家度假村。)
- She is conducting research on marine life in the Pacific Ocean. (她正在对太平洋海洋生物进行研究。)
- The Pacific Islands offer a unique travel experience. (太平洋岛国提供了独特的旅行体验。)
- They hope to promote pacific relations between the two countries. (他们希望促进两国之间的和平关系。)
- The Pacific Ocean covers a vast area. (太平洋覆盖了广阔的区域。)