1. shower
2. showered
1. shower
2. shower
3. shower
4. shower
shower, rainstorm, downpour
rain shower, power shower, cold shower, warm shower, steam shower
rain, drizzle
shower noun
shower verb
shower noun
shower verb
1. I need to take a shower before we go out. (我需要在我们出门前洗个澡。)
2. The weather forecast says there will be showers this afternoon. (天气预报说今天下午会有阵雨。)
3. She received a shower of gifts at her baby shower. (她在婴儿派对上收到一大堆礼物。)
4. He installed a new power shower in the bathroom. (他在浴室安装了一个新的花洒。)
1. I always take a quick shower in the morning. (早上我总是洗个快速的淋浴。)
2. The shower lasted for only a few minutes. (阵雨只持续了几分钟。)
3. The bride-to-be had a bridal shower with her closest friends. (准新娘和她最亲密的朋友们举办了一次新娘派对。)
4. The showerhead in the hotel room was broken. (酒店房间的淋浴头坏了。)
5. I love taking cold showers in the summer. (夏天我喜欢冷水淋浴。)
6. The sudden shower caught us by surprise. (突然的阵雨把我们吓了一跳。)
7. She bought a new shower curtain for the bathroom. (她为浴室买了一条新的淋浴帘。)
8. The children played happily in the rain shower. (孩子们在阵雨中快乐地玩耍。)
9. After a long day at work, I enjoy a relaxing shower. (工作一整天后,我喜欢享受放松的淋浴。)
10. The garden was refreshed by the light shower. (这场小雨让花园焕然一新。)
11. She sang in the shower every morning. (她每天早上在淋浴时唱歌。)
12. The sudden shower forced us to seek shelter. (突如其来的阵雨迫使我们寻找遮蔽处。)
13. The shower of sparks from the fireworks was mesmerizing. (烟花中的火花灿烂夺目。)
14. I prefer a warm shower to a cold one. (我喜欢温水淋浴,不喜欢冷水淋浴。)
15. The shower of confetti added to the festive atmosphere. (五彩纸屑的飘落增添了节日气氛。)
16. A sudden shower caught us without an umbrella. (突然的阵雨让我们没有带伞。)
17. She took a quick shower before heading to the gym. (她在去健身房之前快速洗了个澡。)
18. The garden plants were watered by a gentle shower. (温柔的小雨浇灌了花园里的植物。)
19. He felt refreshed after a long shower. (洗了一个长时间的澡后,他感到精神焕发。)
20. The shower of compliments made her blush. (赞美的话语让她害羞起来。)