1. 强奸
2. 强奸案
3. 强奸罪
1. 强奸的
2. 强奸犯的
rape和sexual assault都指涉性侵犯行为,但rape更强调以暴力或胁迫手段实施的强奸行为,而sexual assault则更广泛,包括其他形式的性侵犯行为。
1. Rape is a serious crime that violates a person's rights and dignity.
2. The victim of rape may experience physical and psychological trauma.
3. Rape cases should be reported to the police immediately.
4. Rape is never the fault of the victim.
1. The rapist was sentenced to life in prison.(强奸犯被判处无期徒刑。)
2. She was brutally raped and left for dead.(她遭到残忍的强奸并被遗弃在那里。)
3. The documentary shed light on the issue of marital rape.(这部纪录片揭示了夫妻强奸问题。)
4. The rape victim bravely testified against her attacker in court.(强奸受害者在法庭上勇敢地作证指控她的袭击者。)
5. The organization provides support for survivors of rape and sexual assault.(该组织为强奸和性侵幸存者提供支持。)
6. He was wrongly accused of rape and later exonerated by DNA evidence.(他被错误指控犯有强奸罪,后来被DNA证据证明清白。)
7. The prevalence of rape in the country is a major concern.(该国强奸案的普遍存在是一个重大问题。)
8. The film was criticized for its depiction of rape scenes.(该电影因其对强奸场景的描绘而受到批评。)
9. The victim's family demanded justice for the rape and murder of their daughter.(受害者的家人要求对她们女儿的强奸和谋杀行为进行公正审判。)
10. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the issue of rape culture.(该活动旨在提高人们对强奸文化问题的认识。)
11. The court found the defendant guilty of rape and sentenced him to prison.(法庭裁定被告犯有强奸罪并判处其监禁。)
12. She spoke out about her experience of rape to help others who have gone through similar trauma.(她公开讲述了自己遭受强奸的经历,以帮助其他经历类似创伤的人。)
13. The rape crisis center provides counseling and support to survivors of sexual violence.(强奸危机中心为性暴力幸存者提供咨询和支持。)
14. The accused pleaded not guilty to charges of rape and assault.(被告对强奸和袭击指控表示不认罪。)
15. The victim's clothing was collected as evidence in the rape investigation.(受害者的衣物被作为强奸调查的证据收集起来。)
16. The rape crisis hotline offers 24/7 support for survivors in need.(强奸危机热线为需要帮助的幸存者提供全天候支持。)
17. The documentary explores the social and psychological impact of rape on survivors.(这部纪录片探索了强奸对幸存者的社会和心理影响。)
18. The police launched an investigation into the alleged rape of a college student.(警方对一名大学生被指控的强奸案展开了调查。)
19. The survivor found empowerment through sharing her story of rape with others.(幸存者通过与他人分享自己遭受强奸的故事找到了力量。)
20. The government implemented stricter laws to combat rape and sexual violence.(政府实施了更严厉的法律来打击强奸和性暴力。)