- 刚毛的;硬毛的
- 短而直的
- 急躁的;恼怒的
- 刚毛;硬毛
- 刷子毛
- (动物)鬃毛
形容词:spiny, prickly, thorny
名词:spine, quill, hair
形容词:smooth, soft, silky
名词:smoothness, softness
bristle (verb)
- If things such as flags or hair bristle or if you bristle them, they stand upright because they are very stiff.
- If a person's hair bristles or if they bristle, their hair stands upright because they are very angry or excited.
- If you say that a place is bristling with a particular thing, you mean that it is full of that thing.
- If you say that someone bristles at a remark or criticism, you mean that they react very angrily or defensively to it.
bristle (noun)
- Bristles are the short stiff hairs on the back of an animal such as a pig.
- If someone's hair or a part of their body is said to be a mass of bristles, it is very rough and stiff.
bristle (verb)
- Stand upright away from the skin, typically as a sign of anger or fear.
- React angrily or defensively in a tense or angry manner.
- Be covered with or abundant in.
bristle (noun)
- A short, stiff hair on an animal's skin or a man's face.
1. His hair bristled with anger. (形容词)
2. She bristled at his comment. (动词)
3. The forest is bristling with wildlife. (动词)
4. The dog's bristles stood on end. (名词)
1. The cat's bristling fur indicated its aggression. (猫毛竖立表示它的攻击性。)
2. His bristly personality made it difficult to work with him. (他脾气暴躁的性格使得与他合作困难。)
3. She bristled at the suggestion of incompetence. (她对被认为无能的暗示感到愤怒。)
4. The hedgehog's bristles served as a protective mechanism. (刺猬的刺毛起到保护作用。)
5. The artist used a bristle brush to create texture in the painting. (艺术家使用硬毛刷在画作中制造纹理。)
6. He bristled with excitement as he prepared to meet his favorite celebrity. (当他准备见到他最喜欢的名人时,他激动不已。)
7. The forest was bristling with tall, ancient trees. (森林中长满了高大的古老树木。)
8. The old man's beard was a mass of bristles. (老人的胡子是一团硬毛。)
9. The dog's bristles stood on end when it sensed danger. (狗感到危险时,它的刚毛竖立起来。)
10. She ran the bristles of the brush through her hair. (她用刷子的刷毛梳理她的头发。)
11. The artist's brushes were made with soft bristles. (艺术家的画笔是用柔软的刷毛制成的。)
12. The team's performance bristled with skill and determination. (团队的表现充满了技巧和决心。)
13. He bristled at the accusation, defending his innocence. (对指控他气得毛发直立,辩称自己的清白。)
14. The soldier's uniform was bristling with medals. (士兵的制服上满是勋章。)
15. The company's new policy bristled with controversy. (公司的新政策引发了争议。)
16. The cat's bristling tail indicated its displeasure. (猫毛竖立的尾巴表明它不高兴。)
17. The chef used a bristle brush to baste the meat. (厨师用刷子刷涂肉类。)
18. The politician bristled with confidence as he addressed the crowd. (政治家在向人群发表讲话时信心满满。)
19. The porcupine's quills are bristles used for self-defense. (豪猪的刺毛是用于自卫的硬毛。)
20. The child's hair was a mass of tangled bristles. (孩子的头发是一团纠缠的硬毛。)