1. 笔画;划痕 - 英文解释:the act of hitting a ball or the movement of a pen or brush when writing or painting - 例句: 1. He practiced his golf strokes at the driving range. (他在练习场练习高尔夫击球动作。) 2. The calligrapher's brush strokes were elegant and precise. (这位书法家的毛笔字行云流水,优雅精确。) 2. 中风 - 英文解释:a sudden loss of blood to part of the brain, sometimes causing a temporary loss of the ability to move particular parts of the body - 例句: 1. He suffered a severe stroke and was hospitalized. (他患了严重的中风,被送进了医院。) 2. She has been receiving physical therapy to regain her strength after the stroke. (她正在接受物理治疗,以恢复中风后的体力。) 3. 手法;技巧;策略 - 英文解释:a particular way of doing or achieving something - 例句: 1. The artist used bold strokes of color to create a vibrant painting. (艺术家使用大胆的色彩勾勒出了一幅生动的画作。) 2. The team's winning stroke of luck secured their place in the finals. (队伍幸运的策略确保了他们进入了决赛。)形容词
1. 笔画的;由笔画构成的 - 英文解释:consisting of lines or marks made by a pen or brush - 例句: 1. The calligraphy class focused on practicing stroke order. (书法课着重练习笔画的顺序。) 2. The artist created a beautiful piece of artwork using stroke techniques. (艺术家使用笔画技法创作出了一件美丽的艺术品。)词语辨析
- strokes vs. streaks: - strokes 强调刻意的画笔动作,通常用于艺术或书法领域。 - He painted the portrait with confident strokes. (他以自信的画笔勾勒出了这幅肖像画。) - streaks 强调线条或颜色在某个方向上的延伸或流动。 - The sky was filled with vibrant orange and pink streaks as the sun set. (太阳落山时,天空布满了鲜艳的橙色和粉色的条纹。)词汇扩充
- stroke of genius:天才的一招;绝妙之笔 - His invention was a stroke of genius that revolutionized the industry. (他的发明是一招天才之举,彻底改变了这个行业。)近义词
- blow, hit反义词
- stillness, calm柯林斯词典
- strokes 名词 - 中风 - 笔画 - 手法;技巧 - strokes 形容词 - 笔画的;由笔画构成的牛津词典
- strokes 名词 - 笔画 - (游泳的)划水 - 中风 - strokes 形容词 - 笔画的;由笔画构成的用法
- By a stroke of luck,he found the missing key. (侥幸之下,他找到了丢失的钥匙。) - The artist used broad strokes to create a sense of movement in the painting. (艺术家使用宽大的笔触,在画作中营造出一种运动感。)例句
- He practiced his golf strokes at the driving range. (他在练习场练习高尔夫击球动作。)
- The calligrapher's brush strokes were elegant and precise. (这位书法家的毛笔字行云流水,优雅精确。)
- He suffered a severe stroke and was hospitalized. (他患了严重的中风,被送进了医院。)
- She has been receiving physical therapy to regain her strength after the stroke. (她正在接受物理治疗,以恢复中风后的体力。)
- The artist used bold strokes of color to create a vibrant painting. (艺术家使用大胆的色彩勾勒出了一幅生动的画作。)
- The team's winning stroke of luck secured their place in the finals. (队伍幸运的策略确保了他们进入了决赛。)
- The calligraphy class focused on practicing stroke order. (书法课着重练习笔画的顺序。)
- The artist created a beautiful piece of artwork using stroke techniques. (艺术家使用笔画技法创作出了一件美丽的艺术品。)
- He painted the portrait with confident strokes. (他以自信的画笔勾勒出了这幅肖像画。)
- The sky was filled with vibrant orange and pink streaks as the sun set. (太阳落山时,天空布满了鲜艳的橙色和粉色的条纹。)
- His invention was a stroke of genius that revolutionized the industry. (他的发明是一招天才之举,彻底改变了这个行业。)
- By a stroke of luck, he found the missing key. (侥幸之下,他找到了丢失的钥匙。)
- The artist used broad strokes to create a sense of movement in the painting. (艺术家使用宽大的笔触,在画作中营造出一种运动感。)