1. 喝醉的,酒醉的
2. 中毒的,被毒害的
3. 兴奋的,陶醉的
1. 酒醉者,醉汉
2. 中毒者
- intoxicated vs drunk:
- intoxicated更加正式,强调因酒精或药物而丧失控制能力或行为异常。
- drunk更常用,表示因过量饮酒而丧失控制或失去理智。
- intoxicated vs poisoned:
- intoxicated指因酒精或药物而中毒或丧失理智。
- poisoned指因摄入有毒物质而中毒。
- intoxicatedly (副词)
- intoxication (名词)
drunk, inebriated, tipsy, under the influence
sober, abstinent
1. If someone is intoxicated, they are drunk.
2. If someone is intoxicated by something, they are so interested in it or enjoy it so much that they do not notice anything else.
1. If someone is intoxicated, they are drunk.
2. If someone is intoxicated by something, they are so interested in it or enjoy it so much that they do not notice anything else.
1. Affected by the influence of alcohol; drunk.
2. Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol or a drug; exhilarated or stupefied.
1. The state of being intoxicated, especially by alcohol.
- She was heavily intoxicated when the police found her.
- He became intoxicated with power and lost sight of his original goals.
- The intoxicated driver caused a serious accident.
1. He seemed slightly intoxicated and was slurring his words. (他看起来有点醉酒,说话含糊不清。)
2. The partygoers became increasingly intoxicated as the night went on. (聚会的人越到夜里越醉了。)
3. Many people enjoy the feeling of being intoxicated, but it can be dangerous if taken to excess. (很多人喜欢醉醺醺的感觉,但过量会很危险。)
4. The drink had a strong effect on him, and he quickly became intoxicated. (这杯饮料对他产生了强烈的作用,他很快就醉了。)
5. The intoxicated man stumbled down the street, barely able to walk straight. (那个醉汉踉跄着走在街上,几乎无法直行。)
6. She was arrested for driving while intoxicated. (她因酒后驾驶被逮捕。)
7. The young couple danced together, completely intoxicated by the music. (年轻的情侣一起跳舞,完全被音乐所陶醉。)
8. The drug had an intoxicated effect on her, making her feel euphoric and detached from reality. (这种药物对她产生了陶醉的效果,让她感到欣快和超脱现实。)
9. He became intoxicated with power and began making irrational decisions. (他被权力冲昏了头脑,开始做出不理性的决定。)
10. The children were intoxicated with excitement as they opened their presents on Christmas morning. (孩子们在圣诞节早上打开礼物时兴奋得陶醉。)
11. The woman was found unconscious, intoxicated by an unknown substance. (这名女子被发现昏迷,中毒原因不明。)
12. The party was wild and filled with intoxicated revelers. (派对狂野,醉醺醺的狂欢者满场。)
13. She couldn't remember anything from the night before, as she had been heavily intoxicated. (她无法记得前一晚发生的事情,因为她喝得很醉。)
14. The intoxicated driver swerved across lanes, putting other drivers at risk. (那个酒驾的司机在车道上猛甩方向盘,让其他司机处于危险之中。)
15. The man's speech became increasingly slurred as he became more intoxicated. (那个人的言语越来越含糊不清,因为他越来越醉。)
16. The intoxicated partygoers stumbled out of the club, laughing and singing loudly. (那些醉醺醺的聚会者踉跄着走出俱乐部,大声笑着唱歌。)
17. The intoxicated state of mind made him act irrationally and without considering the consequences. (醉醺醺的状态让他不理性地行动,不考虑后果。)
18. The intoxicated woman was unable to walk in a straight line and had to be supported by her friends. (那个醉醺醺的女人无法走直线,只能靠朋友支撑着。)
19. The intoxicated guest became loud and disruptive, causing a scene at the party. (那个醉醺醺的客人变得大声喧哗、扰乱秩序,在派对上闹事。)
20. The intoxicated state impaired his judgment and he made reckless decisions. (醉醺醺的状态影响了他的判断力,他做出了鲁莽的决定。)