1. 被撕裂的;被撕碎的;破裂的;破碎的 (damaged or divided by force)
2. 内心纠结的;左右为难的 (having conflicting emotions or loyalties)
1. torn与ripped的区别:torn更侧重于被撕裂,而ripped则更侧重于被撕开或撕扯。
2. torn与shredded的区别:torn指被撕裂或破裂,而shredded指被切成碎片或条状。
1. be torn apart:被撕裂;被分裂
2. torn clothing:破衣服
3. torn pages:撕碎的页面
1. ripped
2. shredded
3. damaged
4. divided
1. intact
2. undamaged
3. unharmed
4. unbroken
1. 撕裂;被撕扯处 (an act or result of tearing)
2. 纠结;两难的境地 (a state of conflict or indecision)
torn (adj.)
1. If something is torn, it is damaged or divided by force.
2. If you are torn between two or more things, you cannot decide which to choose or you feel happy or sad about each of them.
torn (adj.)
1. damaged or in pieces, especially after being torn: torn clothes.
2. having two strong feelings or opinions that are difficult to reconcile: torn between love and duty.
1. She torn the letter into pieces. (她撕碎了那封信。)
2. He was torn between his love for his family and his desire to travel. (他左右为难,既爱自己的家人又渴望旅行。)
3. The storm torn the trees apart. (暴风雨把树木撕裂了。)
4. She felt torn inside. (她内心感到纠结。)
1. The torn pages of the book were scattered across the floor. (那本书的撕裂页面散落在地板上。)
2. He was torn between his loyalty to his friends and his duty to his country. (他在对朋友的忠诚和对国家的责任之间左右为难。)
3. The torn clothes were beyond repair. (那些破烂的衣服无法修复。)
4. She was torn about whether to accept the job offer or stay with her current company. (她对于是否接受这份工作还是留在现公司感到犹豫不决。)
5. After the argument, their relationship was left torn and strained. (争吵之后,他们的关系变得紧张而破裂。)
6. The torn photograph brought back memories of their happy times together. (那张破碎的照片让他们回忆起一起快乐的时光。)
7. The decision left her torn between excitement and anxiety. (这个决定让她既兴奋又焦虑。)
8. The storm torn through the countryside, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. (风暴肆虐乡间,留下一片破坏的痕迹。)
9. The torn flag fluttered in the wind. (那面破旧的旗帜在风中飘扬。)
10. She was torn between her duty to her parents and her desire for independence. (她在对父母的责任和对独立的渴望之间犹豫不决。)
11. The earthquake left the city torn and in ruins. (地震使这座城市变得支离破碎、一片废墟。)
12. The torn document was pieced together to reconstruct the evidence. (那份破碎的文件被拼凑在一起,以重建证据。)
13. He felt torn between his loyalty to his best friend and his desire to tell the truth. (他在对最好的朋友的忠诚和对说出事实的渴望之间感到左右为难。)
14. The torn photograph was a reminder of their shared memories. (那张破碎的照片让人回忆起他们共同的记忆。)
15. The decision to move abroad left her torn between excitement and sadness. (移居国外的决定让她既兴奋又伤感。)
16. The torn fabric of the old chair revealed the passage of time. (旧椅子上撕裂的织物显示了时间的流逝。)
17. The torn pages of the book were carefully taped back together. (那本书的撕碎页面被小心地粘贴到了一起。)
18. He was torn between his duty as a doctor and his desire to spend more time with his family. (他在作为医生的责任和希望能更多陪伴家人之间左右为难。)
19. The torn relationship between the two countries could only be repaired through diplomacy. (两国之间破裂的关系只能通过外交手段来修复。)
20. She felt torn between her love for her hometown and her desire to explore new places. (她在对家乡的热爱和对探索新地方的渴望之间感到矛盾。)