He has a judicial temperament and always makes fair decisions.
The magistrate listened to both sides of the case before making a decision.
judge, referee, umpire:这三个词都有“裁判员”的意思。judge通常指法官或评判员,负责裁决争议或判断罪行;referee通常指在体育比赛中负责裁决的人;umpire通常指在棒球、板球等比赛中掌管比赛规则的人。
The trial judge declared the defendant guilty.
justice, magistrate, arbiter, adjudicator, referee, umpire
criminal, defendant
judge (noun)
1. A judge is the person in a court of law who decides how the law should be applied, for example, how criminals should be punished. (法官)
2. A judge is a person who decides the result of a competition. (裁判员)
judge (verb)
1. If you judge something, you form an opinion about it, based on the information you have. (判断)
2. If you judge that something is true or believe that it is true, you form that opinion, usually after a lot of thought or research. (断定)
judge (noun)
1. A public official appointed to decide cases in a law court. (法官)
2. A person who decides the results of a competition. (裁判员)
judge (verb)
1. Form an opinion or conclusion about. (判断)
2. Regard (someone) as either good or bad in terms of a particular characteristic. (评判)
She is a good judge of character.
The judge passed judgment on the defendant.
He preferred to reserve judgment until all the facts were presented.
- The judge handed down a life sentence to the murderer.
- 法官对凶手判处了终身监禁。
- The referee made a fair judgment in the soccer match.
- 裁判在足球比赛中做出了公正的判决。
- She judged him to be a dishonest person.
- 她判断他是个不诚实的人。
- The teacher judged her performance to be excellent.
- 老师评价她的表现非常出色。
- He was chosen as the chief judge of the competition.
- 他被选为比赛的首席裁判。
- The judge listened to the arguments from both sides.
- 法官听取了双方的论点。
- It is not your place to judge others.
- 你没有资格评判他人。
- The trial judge declared the defendant guilty.
- 审判法官宣布被告有罪。
- The judge reserved judgment until all the evidence was presented.
- 法官保留判决,直到呈交所有证据。
- She is a judge of the Supreme Court.
- 她是最高法院的法官。
- The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.
- 法官判处他五年监禁。
- Don't judge a book by its cover.
- 切勿以貌取人。
- The judge will deliver the verdict tomorrow.
- 法官将于明天宣判。
- The judge granted a restraining order against the defendant.
- 法官批准了对被告的限制令。
- The judge dismissed the charges against the accused.
- 法官驳回了对被告的指控。
- He is a highly respected judge in the legal community.
- 他在法律界受到高度尊敬。