- sheet的中文翻译是“片状的”。
- sheet的中文翻译是“纸张”。
- sheet的中文翻译是“薄片”。
- sheet的中文翻译是“床单”。
- sheet的中文翻译是“一片”。
- sheet的中文翻译是“图表”。
- bedsheet:床单
- cheatsheet:备忘录,作弊纸
- datasheet:数据表
- fact sheet:简明情况说明书
- sheet music:乐谱
- timesheet:工时表
- piece:块,片
- leaf:叶片
- panel:面板
- layer:层
- foil:箔
- slab:板块
- bulk:大块
- whole:整体
- bundle:捆
sheet (noun)
- A sheet is a large rectangular piece of cotton or other cloth that you sleep on or cover yourself with in a bed.
- A sheet is a large rectangular piece of waterproof cloth that you put on a bed to protect it.
- A sheet is the same as a bedsheet.
- A sheet is a large flat piece of material that you put on a bed and lie on.
- A sheet is a thin flat piece of something such as paper or glass.
- A sheet is a large flat rectangular piece of metal, glass, or wood.
- A sheet is a large piece of paper that gives information or shows figures about a particular subject.
sheet (verb)
- If you sheet a surface, you cover it with a sheet of something.
sheet (noun)
- A large piece of cotton or other fabric used as a covering on a bed.
- A broad, flat piece of material such as metal or glass.
- A large, thin, flat piece of something, especially cloth, paper, or food.
- A sheet of stamps, banknotes, or postage stamps is the full set that is still joined together as printed.
- A sheet of sails is the same as a sail plan.
- A sheet of paper is the same as a piece of paper.
- A sheet of ice or metal is a large, thin, flat piece of it.
sheet (verb)
- Cover with a sheet or sheets.
- He lay on the sheet and stared up at the ceiling.
- The bed was made with fresh sheets.
- Sheets of paper were scattered across the desk.
- They sheeted the walls with plywood.
- She spread the sheet on the bed and fluffed the pillows.(她铺上床单,并拍松了枕头。)
- He wiped the sweat from his brow with a sheet of paper.(他用一张纸擦去额头上的汗水。)
- The pirate ship sailed under a sheet of black clouds.(海盗船穿过一片黑云航行。)
- The architect presented a sheet of blueprints for the new building.(建筑师展示了一张新建筑的蓝图。)
- The factory produced sheets of aluminum for construction.(工厂生产用于建筑的铝板。)
- He covered the broken window with a sheet of plastic.(他用一张塑料片盖住了破碎的窗户。)
- She filled out the cheatsheet with all the formulas for the exam.(她用所有的公式填写了备忘录,准备考试。)
- He glanced at the timesheet to see how many hours he had worked.(他看了一眼工时表,看了看自己工作了多少小时。)
- The musician played from the sheet music in front of her.(音乐家从她面前的乐谱上演奏。)
- She unfolded the datasheet to review the specifications.(她展开数据表,复习规格。)
- The company provided a fact sheet with all the information about the product.(公司提供一份包含产品所有信息的简明情况说明书。)
- The bedsheets were soft and luxurious.(床单柔软豪华。)